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Followup Tests Non Canonical - 19/07/19 19:53 - 5004 #4823

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Followup Tests Non Canonical

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
could I get a look at May while we're doing this
After pre-processingcould I get a look at May while we are doing this
  • expected original intent set_date but found only query_payment
  • Response: So I've studied the numbers and in May 2019 your spending was 10 payments totalling £5,580.
if that was the case then which were overdue
  • Expected a single BankingContext but found two
  • Other than 'extras, confirmations & unknown/none' expected a single chunk but found 2
  • Response: I've had a look at the latest picture and the amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue. The overdue amount owed to creditors is seven bills totalling £3,786. The overdue amount owed from debtors is four invoices totalling £1,373.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
and which of those finally got paid
  • Expected to find entity 'closed_mod' but found only {dt, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've had a scoot around and since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
and which of those got paid
  • Expected to find entity 'closed_mod' but found only {dt, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've had a quick look and since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
did they get paid
  • Expected to find entity 'closed_mod' but found only {paid_yet, prior_pronoun, pay_to, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: Well, I've checked the most up-to-date records and since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
did we pay them
  • Expected to find entity 'prior_pronoun' but found only {paid_yet, pay_to, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've analysed the state of play and since 20th June 2019 your spending was nine payments totalling £4,758.
show me the ones that got paid
  • Expected to find entity 'closed_mod' but found only {paid_query, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've gone through the most recent figures and since 20th June 2019 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £4,758.
tell me which were paid
  • Expected to find entity 'closed_mod' but found only {paid_query, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've determined how things are. Since 20th June 2019 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £4,758.
were any of them paid
  • Expected to find entity 'prior_pronoun' but found only {paid_query, closed_mod, dt, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've inspected and since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
which one came through last
  • Other than 'extras, confirmations & unknown/none' expected a single chunk but found 2
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however your latest outgoing payment was to ABC Ltd and was for £192. It was paid on the 14th July 2019.
how does January appear in comparison
  • expected original intent set_date but found only query_balance
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime' but found only {unknown_entity, wrb, vbz, date, amount, text}
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however there is £-602 in your current account and £23,410 in your savings account.
if that's the case, better see the july ones too
After pre-processingif that is the case, better see the july ones too
  • expected original intent set_date but found only query_invoices, unknown
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however in July 2019 you received five invoices totalling £2,180, none of which have been paid and you raised two invoices totalling £722, neither of which have been paid.
are any of those especially big
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £4,758.
are any of those exceptionally big
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
are any of those particularly big
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
pass me the most sizeable one
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
show me the one of greater size
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {unknown_entity, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
which of those is the most considerably sizable
After pre-processingwhich of those is the most considerably sizeable
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £4,758.
which of those is the most markedly sizable
After pre-processingwhich of those is the most markedly sizeable
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: I didn't understand all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
which one has the biggest size
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {unknown_entity, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
which of those came through most recently
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'latest' but found 'most'
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
which of those is the most current
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'latest' but found 'most'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758.
which of those is the most up-to-date
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {unknown_entity, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £4,758.
which of those was sent most recently
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'latest' but found 'most'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your spending was nine payments totalling £4,758.
what one is of the least significant size
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Smallest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {unknown_entity, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your spending was nine payments totalling £4,758.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Test Exception

Expressions Notes
and which of those got paid in the end SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Did not find any known datetime values in 'and which of those got paid in the end' - found datetime : end at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase…
were they paid in the end SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Did not find any known datetime values in 'were they paid in the end' - found datetime : end at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpre…
which ones got paid in the end SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Did not find any known datetime values in 'which ones got paid in the end' - found datetime : end at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .Process…
I know, but what about on monday SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Laas error: IndexError('list index out of range',)
56 at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters te…
Next Show Me Whats The Smallest SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Multiple comparator values in text 'next show me what is the smallest' at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpres…
I'm interested in seeing Gibson Ltd SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Multiple pay_from values found . at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in C:/Co…
that's ok but what about Gibson Ltd SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Response text is empty at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in C:/Code/src/AP…
which is the most recent SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Response text is empty at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in C:/Code/src/AP…
which one is the most large SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Response text is empty at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in C:/Code/src/AP…
what if we add Saturday into the mix SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Unsupported intent: 'query_acct' at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in C:/C…