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Compound Query Tests Invoice Invoice - 15/11/2018 - 5002 #572

Closed SME-Issues closed 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Compound Query Tests Invoice Invoice

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed

Fail - Understanding: Full - Failed

Expressions Notes
any details on my creditor invoices and Can I see all the invoices for ABC Ltd in the last year? Expected {pay_any} to have single value 'abc ltd' but found 'abc ltd in the last year'
any details on my creditor invoices, Can I see all the invoices for ABC Ltd in the last year? Expected {pay_any} to have single value 'abc ltd' but found 'abc ltd in the last year'
show me the mcdonalds invoices for next week and do i have any unpaid bills Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .QueryContext .DateRangeOutputText to be "the next week" with a length of 13, but "next week" has a length of 9.
search through the invoices and show me the ones for march Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .QueryContext .InvoiceState to be ImplicitAll, but found ImplicitUnpaid.
what do i need to pay and what should i be paid Expected to find one of entities {pay_from, bill_to} but found only {pay_to, paid_query, date_in, date_mod, datetime}.
give me all bob's invoices and then show me the abc bills Expected transaction type to be one of 'Outgoing', 'ImplicitOutgoing' but found 'All'.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Failed as not understood

Fail - Understanding: None - Failed

Expressions Notes
tell me who i need to chase for collection and show me what i owe Expected to find one of entities {pay_from, bill_to} but found only {unknown_entity, who, overdue, paid_query, text, pay_to}.