SMILEY4 / ktor-swagger-ui

Kotlin Ktor plugin to generate OpenAPI and provide Swagger UI
Apache License 2.0
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Example of how to document Sealed Classes? #46

Closed ScottPierce closed 1 year ago

ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

Right now sealed classes returned by the documentation are just {}. Ideally, it would clearly document sealed classes for return types (most important), and also inputs.

SMILEY4 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i'm having issues reproducing this problem. Could you provide a minimal example of this behaviour?

ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

This should reproduce it:

    install(SwaggerUI) {
        swagger {
            swaggerUrl = "docs"
            forwardRoot = false
            authentication = "docs"
        info {
            title = "Example API (Experimental)"
            version = "0.1.0"
            description = "This API is private, and is subject to sporadic changes."
        server {
            url = ""

    routing {
        get("test", {
            response {
                HttpStatusCode.OK to {
                    description = "Successful Request"
                    body<ExampleResponse> {
        }) {
sealed class ExampleResponse {
    data class A(
        val thisIsA: Boolean
    ) : ExampleResponse()

    data class B(
        val thisIsB: Boolean
    ) : ExampleResponse()
ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

Similar results if you return a response with the sealed class. The sealed class just shows up as {}.

SMILEY4 commented 1 year ago

This is expected behaviour. When serializing ExampleResponse, jackson cannot know what subclasses exist. To let jackson know, add e.g. the following annotation:

    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ExampleResponse.A::class),
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ExampleResponse.B::class),
sealed class ExampleResponse {
    data class A(
        val thisIsA: Boolean
    ) : ExampleResponse()

    data class B(
        val thisIsB: Boolean
    ) : ExampleResponse()
ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

I can't put Jackson Annotations on my models, because they are compiled with Kotlin Multiplatform. :(

SMILEY4 commented 1 year ago

the examples could be fixed similar to the kotlinx.dates, but im not sure how to generate the json-schemas in kotlin multiplatform in general. Do you maybe know of any library or way to do that ? The only other way that i currently know, is to write the json-schema yourself and reference it as a custom-schema (see, though i dont know if this manual way is feasible for you.

SMILEY4 commented 1 year ago

I think i found a workaround that should work with kotlin multiplatform using this library.

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080, host = "localhost", module = Application::myModule).start(wait = true)

private fun Application.myModule() {

    install(SwaggerUI) {
        schemas {
            // overwrite schema builder for specific types with one that supports multiplatform, return null to use default builder
            jsonSchemaBuilder { type ->
                when(type) {
           -> toSchema(ExampleResponse.serializer())
                    else -> null

    routing {
        get("test", {
            request {
        }) {

fun toSchema(serializer: SerializationStrategy<*>): String {
    return globalJson.encodeToSchema(serializer, generateDefinitions = false)

sealed class ExampleResponse {
    data class A(
        val thisIsA: Boolean
    ) : ExampleResponse()
    data class B(
        val thisIsB: Boolean
    ) : ExampleResponse()
ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

Oh interesting. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.

ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

I lost interest in this project, that why there hasn't been any changes for over 2 years if anyone wants to maintain this project or a fork of this project, then I will update this readme

Doesn't bode well for long term use :P

ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

The result is better, but this library is on jcenter (which is deprecated). Does it make sense to pull the code into this codebase?

SMILEY4 commented 1 year ago

There's a fork of this project that seems to be a bit more active: Should behave and work almost exactly the same as the other one

Json {
        prettyPrint = true
        encodeDefaults = true
}.encodeToString(ExampleResponse.serializer(), value)

I think it also doesn't use jcenter.

repositories {
    maven(url = "")
dependencies {
ScottPierce commented 1 year ago

It looks like this one when I have a nullble type in my model, it returns a string type in the schema. Also, it seems that the project doesn't allow me to submit an issue :(