SMPTE / st428-1

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ISO TC36 RU Comments - C3 #3

Open SteveLLamb opened 4 years ago

SteveLLamb commented 4 years ago
4.3 Ref 4 ed There is no Table 5.2 in SMPTE 431-1. “…as specified in SMPTE 26431-1, Table 1.”
SteveLLamb commented 4 years ago

DG recommends removing reference "Table 5.2" and doc title.

4 The peak luminance as shown in the transfer function equation is 52.37 cd/m2 . The extra headroom is reserved to accommodate a range of white points including D55, D61 and D65, while still supporting the reference luminance (L) of 48 cd/m2 as specified in SMPTE ST 431-1,Table 5.2 for Digital Cinema-Screen Luminance Level, Chromaticity and Uniformity.

"... as specified in SMPTE ST 431-1. "

jdhouston commented 4 years ago

The correct reference would be to ST 431-1, Section 5.1. (not to the Table which gives allowable tolerances.

SteveLLamb commented 4 years ago

DG agrees 2/6/20 to update with date. "... as specified in SMPTE ST 431-1:2006, Section 5.1 "