SMPTE / st429-2

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7.4, GroupID - Questions #77

Open MartinaBerger opened 6 months ago

MartinaBerger commented 6 months ago

I'd like to ask questions regarding the GroupID element:

  1. Optional or not? There is a DCP validation tool in the field with the option to validate SMPTE DCPs against ST 429-2 . It reports an error when the GroupID element is missing in the PKL of SMPTE VF-DCPs. With "VF-DCP" I mean Version File Packages/ Supplemental Packages that are apparently called Asset Packages in terms of 429-2 (if I'm right). I've never seen the GroupID element in SMPTE VF-DCPs in practice so far. In ST 429-8 the GroupID element in section 5.7 holds the word "optional" in square brackets. However, in ST 429-2 section 7.4.2 it seems to be strictly required. And in RDD 52 I can't find anything about the GroupID element. So I'm confused whether this element shall be present in SMPTE VF-DCPs or not. And if so, shall it be present in all SMPTE flavors that are currently in the field (SMPTE A, SMPTE B2.0, SMPTE B2.1)?

  2. Usage of the GroupID element Some diagrams of relations between different packages might be helpful in section 7.4.2. in order to explain the following two cases clearer: A. usage of the same GroupID element value B. usage of different GroupID element values On basis of the pure text, it's honestly difficult for me to understand. These diagrams could also explain, which UUID specifically shall be used as the value for the GroupID element in the PKL of an Asset Package. E.g. is it the UUID of the PKL that completes the composition (= pkl:id of the OV-Package/ Full Package that is apparently called Composition Package in terms of ST 429-2)? Does it make a difference when the PKL of the OV-Package contains more than one CPL? And how to deal with the GroupID element value in the rare case in D-Cinema, when for the playback of a VF-DCP an OV-DCP and a second VF-DCP is needed?
