I'm trying to install NodeXL on my Win 8 64x - Office 2013
but I'm facing some troubles.
When I try to launch the installation it gives me back this error:
Impossibile analizzare il valore della proprietà Type
Errore: impossibile caricare il file o l'assembly 'microsoft.office.businessapplication.fpa ecc..
Impossible to analyze the 'type' property value.
Error: impossible to load the file or assembly 'microsoft.office.businessapplication.fpa ecc..
Should I need something? Or it's an installation bug?
I've seen others are facing the same issues.
I'm trying to install NodeXL on my Win 8 64x - Office 2013 but I'm facing some troubles. When I try to launch the installation it gives me back this error:
Impossibile analizzare il valore della proprietà Type Errore: impossibile caricare il file o l'assembly 'microsoft.office.businessapplication.fpa ecc..
Impossible to analyze the 'type' property value. Error: impossible to load the file or assembly 'microsoft.office.businessapplication.fpa ecc..
Should I need something? Or it's an installation bug? I've seen others are facing the same issues.
Thank you!!
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