There seems to be an issue downloading this software - even as an administrator. I work at a Business College and need to be able to get this software for a client who is a faculty member. As an admin I have full permission to install software even when it is not trusted. In this case we can not install the software on the clients computer running as admin - nor on my pc. The error is attached. Shows in other threads to install newer version - but this does not work either. Please address this issue and let me know what our clients can do if they want to use the software.
There seems to be an issue downloading this software - even as an administrator. I work at a Business College and need to be able to get this software for a client who is a faculty member. As an admin I have full permission to install software even when it is not trusted. In this case we can not install the software on the clients computer running as admin - nor on my pc. The error is attached. Shows in other threads to install newer version - but this does not work either. Please address this issue and let me know what our clients can do if they want to use the software.
araz error.png
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CodePlex work item ID: '65142' Vote count: '2'