SMRFoundation / NodeXLBasic

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Error/Warning in importing network #57

Open SMRFoundation opened 6 years ago

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago

Hello,   I'm having problems when importing networks (graphml, twitter, youtube,etc).   In the error message I was told to submit the problem here. So, a complete copy of the message goes in the following.   Do you have any idea about what is going wrong ?   I hope it can be useful for future versions!   Thanks a lot!   Alexandre L. M. Levada   PS: The Excel file I'm sending attached to this message is the result of the import of a .graphml file     ---------------------------Microsoft NodeXL--------------------------   -An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to   Details:   [IndexOutOfRangeException]: O índice estava fora dos limites da matriz.   em Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphImporter.ImportVertexAttributes(IGraph oSourceGraph, String[] asVertexAttributes, Dictionary`2 oVertexDictionary, ListObject oVertexTable) em Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphImporter.ImportVertices(IGraph oSourceGraph, String[] asVertexAttributes, ListObject oVertexTable, Range oVertexNameColumnData, Range oVisibilityColumnData) em Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphImporter.ImportGraph(IGraph sourceGraph, String[] edgeAttributes, String[] vertexAttributes, Boolean clearTablesFirst, Workbook destinationNodeXLWorkbook) em Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.ThisWorkbook.ImportGraph(IGraph oGraph, String[] oEdgeAttributes, String[] oVertexAttributes)   ---------------------------OK ---------------------------



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CodePlex work item ID: '21141' Vote count: '1'

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago

[tcap479@7/11/2011] [This is related to, which has now been addressed. -- Tony]

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago
