SMRFoundation / NodeXLBasic

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aggregate overall metrics #66

Open SMRFoundation opened 6 years ago

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago

The whole template is great. I am really having fun working around with it. But... in grapg metrics, Aggregate overall metrics the function does not work, it displays the following message     Microsoft NodeXL An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to       Details:       [COMException]: Excepción de HRESULT: 0x800A03EC       en Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks.Open(String Filename, Object UpdateLinks, Object ReadOnly, Object Format, Object Password, Object WriteResPassword, Object IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Object Origin, Object Delimiter, Object Editable, Object Notify, Object Converter, Object AddToMru, Object Local, Object CorruptLoad)   en Microsoft.Research.CommunityTechnologies.AppLib.ExcelUtil.OpenWorkbook(String filePath, Application application)   en Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphMetricsAggregator.TryGetGraphMetricsForOneNodeXLWorkbook(String sNodeXLWorkbookFilePath, OverallMetricsInfo& oOverallMetricsInfo)   en Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphMetricsAggregator.AggregateGraphMetricsInternal(AggregateGraphMetricsAsyncArgs oAggregateGraphMetricsAsyncArgs, BackgroundWorker oBackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs oDoWorkEventArgs)   en Microsoft.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphMetricsAggregator.BackgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)   en System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)   en System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument) Aceptar

hope you have an idea of what is this...   thanks   Luis

This work item was migrated from CodePlex

CodePlex work item ID: '21594' Vote count: '1'

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago

[tcap479@10/4/2011] It's a language problem: Aggregate Overall Metrics won't work on a non-English computer. I've filed a bug report about this. Thank you for letting us know about it.

-- Tony

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago

[redeslgaa@10/5/2011] Hello Tony, Thanks for the review and I never thought that language had to do with the issue. So in the meantime I guess I have to copy and paste the results... Thanks again and looking forward for the problem's solution.


SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago

[elenapavan@5/31/2012] Hello,

I had the same problem today. As I am in Italy I changed the format from Italian to English US from the control panel and it worked... but maybe we'll be able to work this out without having to change the language format?

Cheers Elena

SMRFoundation commented 6 years ago
