SMUnlimited / AMAI

Advanced Melee Artificial Intelligence Mod For Warcraft 3
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Unit To Anti #252

Open jzy-chitong56 opened 8 months ago

jzy-chitong56 commented 8 months ago

In my understanding, countermeasures only consider the restraint relationship between attack type and defense type

mage units , most of them don't rely on attack power for output, they rely more on spells

Except for the Skeleton School, UD Destroyer School, and ELF Blow School , Mass production of other mage units is not very helpful -- At least using one of their branches alone cannot be a strategy

If the dynamic countermeasure mechanism causes additional manufacturing by mages, this unit will appear redundant. Can we remove mage units ??

Player feedback suggests that the AI army should be mixed -- although there is a clear unit bias in the strategy, there is still hope for dynamic tactics to achieve mixed formation But now, it seems that there are situations where mage troops are being used to counter enemy air forces

      call AddUnitToAntiheavyarmor(SHAMAN,15)
      call AddUnitToAntiheavyarmor(WITCH_DOCTOR,2)
      call AddUnitToAntiheavyarmor(SPIRIT_WALKER,3)

KODO_BEAST This type of unit that leans more towards functionality rather than output attack may also be removed from Anti


SMUnlimited commented 7 months ago

The counters are designed this way to do more unusual combinations at random when strategy build order has completed, but they are a fallback not a replacement for the core strategies so those need to improved instead.

jzy-chitong56 commented 7 months ago

simply and rudely removing Functional units and mage units is incorrect?

still need to modify the algorithm?

I basically don't look at that piece of code, it's difficult to understand

In my pull, I had a section where I used the crow function in the elf, Let the undead switch between stone statue ghost attacks function,and using the results of this algorithm,Maybe it can be helpful

jzy-chitong56 commented 5 months ago

After inspection, some errors were indeed found GetPlayerXStrength

in TFT , maybe REF there are also issues

GetPlayerairStrength There are no training unit buildings for counting the undead

GetPlayercastersStrength No counting the summoning of the BEAST_MASTER and 'efon' , Snake stick

GetPlayertowersStrength counting oSTEAM_TANK and oROCKET_TANK

GetPlayerpiercingStrength No counting the summoning of the BEAST_MASTER No counting Snake stick

GetPlayernormalStrength No counting the summoning of the BEAST_MASTER The GARGOYLE also seems to have regular attacks

GetPlayersiegeStrength only counting training unit buildings for counting the human

I didn't look at the armor anymore