SMUnlimited / AMAI

Advanced Melee Artificial Intelligence Mod For Warcraft 3
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Cannot handle island type maps eventually getting stuck #293

Open zsc2tr opened 2 months ago

zsc2tr commented 2 months ago

之前说解决了但是试了下还是会卡,也是2v22,先说下安装方式,我是最新的amai,点的makeTFT bat,然后复制scripts到installer的里面,然后安装到地图上,流程没问题吧?仍然是上岛之后,电脑陆军全聚集在岛对面岸上,游戏卡死,和之前一样的症状,期间不断有空军来进攻,也会有几家电脑飞艇运兵上岛打,电脑一直在对岸聚集,游戏持续卡死,只有当电脑去开矿,陆军很多部分分流去帮开矿,期间不卡了,但是一旦开完矿,陆军又回到岛对岸位置聚集,再次卡死,请修复,是因为他们想上岛但是上不来,一直重复指令所以卡死了?只要他们去干别的事,军队数量一样但不会卡死。 @jzy-chitong56

zsc2tr commented 2 months ago

再补充一下,我单人开游戏上岛这样,等了一段时间没卡死,但是没试很长时间所以不确定 是不是还没到卡死的时候,但是多人联网游戏的花2个人打22家卡死就快很多。地图为(24)Leviathan hiveworkshop上下载

zsc2tr commented 2 months ago

QQ图片20240425190430 又开单人测了一下,卡是卡,但是没有卡死,切到兵力中心区会卡的几乎无法操作,但基本是能玩能动的程度,但是不知为何联机时候两人就必卡死,你之前是都开单人测的吗,建议联网2个真人玩家测一下,不知道是什么原因。两个玩家撑到飞艇刷新,然后把基地都搬到岛上重建,要是难测你就改图,反正感觉2人联机和单机测是不一样的,单机卡顿是能玩的程度,联机就不行

又过了一会差点就到卡死的地步了 但是电脑兵力只是一点空军数量在变化,地面兵力没死一个,兵力几乎是一样的,也都站在这个位置没干别的事,为什么会越来越卡

jzy-chitong56 commented 2 months ago

There should be a regular release of zep control Blizzard's own mode of separation and support for air and ground units is not friendly, and can only rely on ZEP transportation But the JOB system has almost always occupied ZEP.....

If you test it, disable TQLOOP The lag will be greatly alleviated Suspected that there were too many commands issued by the subsystem....Perhaps too many criteria for judgment and too much use of unit groups can also affect

I don't know what changes have been made recently, My Branch's FPS will stabilize at 0.2 in the later stage until I stopped JOB system last night I'm still investigating-- trying to close each sub job one by one to check


zsc2tr commented 3 days ago

@jzy-chitong56 请问卡顿修复好了吗