can not understand , It feels unnecessary to do it at the same time
maybe is
GetRandomInt(1,10) < 5 -- Distraction Attack and not Attack
GetRandomInt(1,10) > 4 -- not Distraction Attack and Attack
Attack done , but target alive or Retreating -- Distraction Attack
If the previous waiting was for the advance troops to harass and the main force to attack again,
it feels like it's not as good as when the main force enters the battle outside the target and a small number of units go ahead to execute
function AttackMoveKillAAM takes unit target returns nothing
if target == null or not UnitAlive(target) then
call Trace("Bad target passed to AttackMoveKillAAM")
call Sleep(3 * sleep_multiplier)
set attack_running = true
call DoAttackJobs()
if distraction_group != 0 and GetOwningPlayer(target) != Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE) and GetRandomInt(1,10) < 5 then
if GetHarassGroupStrength(distraction_group) < GetOwnStrength() / 3 then
call DoDistractionAttack(target)
call AttackMoveKill(target)
call ReformUntilTargetDeadAM(target, false)
call Chat(C_Done)
call SleepInCombatAM()
call Trace("===Attack Fully Finished===")
set attack_running = false
call Sleep(2.5)
can not understand , It feels unnecessary to do it at the same time maybe is