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Resummino aNNLO+NNLL cross sections #36

Open APN-Pucky opened 9 months ago

APN-Pucky commented 9 months ago

Dear SModels authors,

I am one of the Resummino authors and I've seen in you recent (pre-)release where you added a Resummino cross section interface :+1:. I wanted to bring to your attention that we already have a python interface to resummino (and others) [1], but for a different purpose (parameter scans, interpolation, total cross sections and HPC distributed runs). It might still be useful to compare/as inspiration (e.g. we parse results through regex)?

For the purely electroweak processes there is also aNNLO+NNLL precision available, by specifying the --nnll parameter.

We also store the data from the SUSY cern twiki here [2] (the format follows [3]) and have hepi-fast for interpolation [4], in analogy to n(n)ll-fast.

Cheers, Alexander Neuwirth

[1] [2] [3] [4]