MSE and cost/benefit analysis in a data poor fisheries context
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Create larval dispersal function #38

Open dtdougherty opened 9 years ago

dtdougherty commented 9 years ago

It looks like we currently move adults and recruits together.

szuwalski commented 9 years ago

Movement occurs based on a curve that determines the probability of moving (MoveProb), which is defined in "ShapeFishery". This selects a portion of the population to be subject to movement, which is determined by the function "movArray". The parameters that define these curves are user specified.

When you say 'move recruits', if you mean move them from the biomass from which they were spawned, there are a few ways to do that currently. You can distribute recruits: proportional to the spawning biomass in a cell, evenly over the entire space, or according to a habitat .csv. (lines 495-513 of masterfortradeoff.R). I think in the first couple of models we did, recruits are not assumed to move until they are 2 or 3 years old.