SND-LHC / advsndsw

Software for AdvSND
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Managing detector information #7

Open siilieva opened 1 month ago

siilieva commented 1 month ago

Need to have a strategy for book keeping of the detector details. Example: SND@LHC uses the geometry config file for storage of all details of the geometry : positions, dimensions, calibration. Currently for AdvSND we have the geo config with most of the geo parameters and also a header SiSensor.h with more details on the arrangement of the detector elements. It is reported there is duplication of data already, while this is to be AVOIDED.

olantwin commented 1 month ago

To add some more context, ideally most constants should be moved somewhere accessible by python (gInterpreter.ProcessLine('#include "SiSensor.h") can be a workaround but is not a nice solution), while hopefully some of the code duplication between the two detector classes can be moved to the SiSensor.h header.

siilieva commented 1 month ago

A classical solution alla Thomas will be to add the SiSensor as a ROOT dictionary and import ROOT in py code, which we are already doing almost all the time