SNL-WaterPower / WecOptTool-MATLAB

WEC Design Optimization Toolbox
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UseParallel not working consistently...? #146

Closed ryancoe closed 4 years ago

ryancoe commented 4 years ago

While working on #140, I was looking at my activity monitor and realized that I only ever saw one instance of NEMOH's solver running (I'm using htop, which gives better update rates, etc.). At first I assumed this had something to do with the OOP programming structure, but the more I simplified my MWE the more surprised I was... Maybe I'm missing something here...?

close all

%% this will run in parallel
parfor ii = 1:4
    y = fun(ii);

%% this will not run in parallel
opts = optimoptions('fmincon','UseParallel',true);
fmincon(@(x) fun(x),0.35,[],[],[],[],0.35,3,[],opts)

%% pointless objective function
function fval = fun(x)
    [s,c] = system('sleep 2');
    fval = x;
H0R5E commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure this is a bug, maybe just a product of how fmincon works because it uses parallelisation in the gradient calculation, which is using forward finite differences by default (and may only require one more function evaluation to make a step). If you switch the finite differencing to "central" (opts.FiniteDifferenceType = 'central';) then you should see the parallel pool being used. Whether that saves you time or not, I'm not sure.

H0R5E commented 4 years ago

So, I'm not totally sure I know what's going on, but on these docs it does say:

Even when running in parallel, a solver occasionally calls the objective and nonlinear constraint functions serially on the host machine. Therefore, ensure that your functions have no assumptions about whether they are evaluated in serial or parallel.

Seems like it's a lot more than occasionally for us, but because you can't see the source code of the barrier function, it's hard to know if this is the correct behaviour or not.

ryancoe commented 4 years ago

I looked into your theory about the finite difference stencil (good idea), but didn't see a difference. What did make a difference was to increase the number of design variables from one to two.

close all

%% this will run in parallel
parfor ii = 1:4
    y = fun(ii);

%% this will now run in parallel (at least for some iterations)
opts = optimoptions('fmincon','UseParallel',true);
fmincon(@(x) fun(x),0.35*ones(2,1),[],[],[],[],0.35*ones(2,1),3*ones(2,1),[],opts) % <- note the *ones(2,1)

%% pointless objective function
function fval = fun(x)
    [s,c] = system('sleep 2');
    fval = x(1);
H0R5E commented 4 years ago

Interesting, I got different behaviour on Windows. It might be worth opening a issue about optimising the optimiser (lol). There are a lot of options we are yet to try with fmincon and a number of other methods we could test as well.

ryancoe commented 4 years ago

Haha... yes, this is exactly what I do not want to spend our time doing :) We (or ideally some users) can explore the different MATLAB optimization algorithms, as well as those offered as add-ons.

ryancoe commented 4 years ago

While running a multi-objective study (WaveBot_caseC), I also confirmed that multiple instances of solver where running (nothing new, but just a second confirmation that things are working)