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verify and show demonstration of WEC feedback controller #102

Closed ryancoe closed 1 year ago

ryancoe commented 3 years ago

Compare the applied torque (or current) with the product of the controller gains, position, and velocity; check that

tau = kp*pos + kd*vel

@nickross4444 and Anwi collected data for this previously

The results will be included in Section 7 of the paper

ryancoe commented 2 years ago

Time history plot with three axis:

  1. position
  2. velocity
  3. torque

Explain in text that the torque follows tau = kp*pos + kd*vel

nickross4444 commented 2 years ago

These are the resulting plots: The error is calculated based on the reported amperage from the motor controller, and the expected amperage based on position and velocity read from the encoder. The high error in the high P range is not concerning, since the P gain may just be too high, but the rest is. I am currently looking at seeing if filtering the data properly clarifies the issue. image image

ryancoe commented 2 years ago

@nickross4444 - Thanks for posting. Could you put the data and plotting code up in this issue as well?

nickross4444 commented 2 years ago

Most recent files:

ryancoe commented 2 years ago

@dforbush2 @gbacelli - Could you take a look at this and advise @DeepFriedDerp @nickross4444 how to proceed?

dforbush2 commented 2 years ago

Last update I heard is that filtering did not solve the problem: I was wondering if the jump in current set-point at the gain switches was biasing the error plot high since the instantaneous error at that point would be high since there was no time for the electrical dynamics to catch up. That doesn't look to be the problem anymore. I will take a look in detail tomorrow, but generally poor torque tracking suggests that the internal torque control loop in the motor drive is not working well. Not sure if this is something you are tuning or if the parameters the drive is set up to use are just poor.

ryancoe commented 2 years ago

May also be good to recall the findings from the motor torque constant efforts (#59)

dforbush2 commented 2 years ago

Did a deeper dive today and some observations:


Here is a plot of absolute error compared to an estimate of sensor noise, estimated when the command torque is zero. torqueErrAbs

Note that the weaker, but still present, trend in absolute error near zero, is probably related to the issue @ryancoe noted because for the cases where Kp = 0 and Kd~=0, when the command torque is near zero (i.e., velocity = 0), due to static friction, the measured torque may not be. However, if this were a dominantly strong effect, I would expect that the absolute errors for[ Kd~=0, Kp=0] would be worse near zero than those for [Kp~=0, Kd=0] where the zeros of command torque do not align with the zeros of velocity.

As seen in the plot here, though, this doesn't totally account for it: there are also larger errors associated with velocity maxima when Kp gains are non-zero. These seem more related to a phase-lag issue in the controller, as the change in command will be especially large due to the high velocity in these cases. These errors correspond to the highest-amplitude torque commands in this data set.

All in all, I am not hugely alarmed by the torque tracking of the drive considering the high impact of friction on the measured torque value. But it can be improved: in particular there is a noticeable lag (~15 deg) in the larger amplitude torque commands. Do we have a way to adjust the internal torque tracking loop of the motor drive?

One point of concern:

dforbush2 commented 2 years ago

Notes from a discussion:

In short, both of my leading theories above are not the actual problem.

TO-DO @dforbush2 :

TO-DO @nickross4444

Hopefully this will give us some more information! Leading hypothesis now based on data we have seen: the motor torque slew rate is too slow to provide good tracking for the larger amplitude oscillations. Whether that is a hardware limit or something that is a dynamic introduced by its controller remains to be seen.

nickross4444 commented 2 years ago

@dforbush2 Here are the test results. I believe test 3 ended up exceeding the torque saturation limit, but this can at least help us characterize exactly where that is. Open loop

ryancoe commented 2 years ago

Can we look at a plot of commanded torque vs. actual torque? Should look something like this. @stespenc83 did something similar in #59.


dforbush2 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

readTestData.txt Please see the attached script to run this processing. I wish I knew more of what to make of it...but there is some weirdness. I'll spare attaching a ton of figures to requesting that the attached script is run and plots made. Change the extension to *m and extract the files from the previous post.

Some observations:

To my eye: if we have the ability to adjust the internal torque tracking loop, these, in combination, suggest that we should increase the integral gain of this control loop.

nickross4444 commented 2 years ago

@dforbush2 Is there a graphical way for us to confirm that the PD controller is behaving as expected, but with a 2~3 sample delay? If so, that is probably good enough for documentation in the paper. I dug and little and didn't see any way we could control the fine parameters of the control loop within the motor controller.

dforbush2 commented 2 years ago

"As expected", in my view, does have some delay, but maybe not 2-3 samples worth. Another explanation here is that there is some compliance and inertia in the system between the motor and the load cell that account for the apparent delay (this would need to be a relatively large inertia and a relatively small compliance, based on the behavior seen in the step tests.

Plot command torque vs time and measured torque vs time on the same axis for some of the ramp tests, or even some of your (non-saturating) sinusoids. You could maybe show a third plot that is plot(time(1:end-2),measured_torque(3:end)) which will plot the measured torque lagged by 2 samples, which should be close to command torque. I'd also be curious what a plot of average error (just error, not percentage) during ramp vs. ramp rate looks like.

nickross4444 commented 2 years ago

Here is the resulting plot, which to me looks like we have a two sample delay: image There are some outlying error points not shown caused by the step change. I think there might be something else going on too causing the error, but I'm not sure. Here is the script used to generate these plots: SampleDelayTest.txt

dforbush2 commented 2 years ago

Great. Is there a way to indicate the noise floor of the sensor in the right hand plots? You can look at torque measurements over an interval where the torque command was zero. Looking at a min/max or some percentile range (5% to 95%, for example) would give us a good idea of the noise floor. Points that fall within that band are explainable due to noise, points that fall outside of it are worthy of attention. Be good to look in both directions, too, (i.e., the downward torque ramp) to ensure that the behavior we are seeing is symmetric.

nickross4444 commented 2 years ago

I used this percentileCalc.txt script to find the noise band(middle 90%) to be: min: -3.9781e-05 max: 4.3755e-05

I'm not sure why these aren't symmetric. Plotting these values as lines with the previous script(I'll attach the updated version) gives the following: image


Looking at the other test runs looks similar. I also had the script count how many of the data points lie within the noise band, for each shift tested, which gives these results: Shift amount % of points in noise band:
0 78.1627
1 79.5311
2 80.0028
3 78.1685
4 76.0068

This isn't a great test since it counts all points, including the long sections of 0 command before and after tests, but it does show this:

@dforbush2, please let me know if this interpretation seems correct, and what the next action should be.

ryancoe commented 2 years ago
  1. Plot with four axes: position, velocity, gains, torque (both commanded and actual)
  2. Characterize noise by statistical analysis of zero-command torque data:
    • Plot a histogram
    • Find the mean (hopefully zero) and standard deviation
  3. Autocorrelation to find delay (should be the same two samples that you've found), see, e.g.,
nickross4444 commented 1 year ago
  1. Finished in previous comments
  2. It seems the mean of the noise is not zero: Commanded torque is read through an analog output if I remember correctly. My best guess is there's a small DC offset in the generation or reading of the analog signal. This could potentially be calibrated for. These are histograms of the commanded torque when the command should be 0(either by pwm commanding the duty cycle that corresponds to 0 torque, or by the enable pin being low[both data sets individually show similar results]): image The means are 2.3676e-05 and 2.0934e-05, and the standard deviations are 1.6564e-05, 1.7211e-05, respectively. Units are meters.

These were found with this script: pdverification.txt

  1. The methods of cross correlation, finddelay(), and the method previously described in this issue all agree that the data set of steps and ramps has a 2-3 sample delay, and that the kp steps and kd steps data sets have no sample delay. I think it will be best to check the sample delay on the larger data set we will have access to next week, from the demo. I have a very loose theory that the delay was caused by a checksum issue that was fixed.
ryancoe commented 1 year ago

...The means are 2.3676e-05 and 2.0934e-05, and the standard deviations are 1.6564e-05, 1.7211e-05, respectively. Units are meters.

Shouldn't the units for the x axes of those histograms be Nm (we command tau=0 and then look at the actual value of tau)? Once we get straight on that, let's find a way to put those numbers in context relative to some nominal torque value (i.e., 2e-5 is very small, but it really depends on what our typical torque levels are -- maybe compare to max torque or RMS torque from a typical test).

...I think it will be best to check the sample delay on the larger data set we will have access to next week, from the demo. I have a very loose theory that the delay was caused by a checksum issue that was fixed.

Sounds good

nickross4444 commented 1 year ago

You're totally right, the units should be Nm. Good news is my theory was right, newer data sets show no measurable delay, so our max loop delay is at most 1/sampling frequency = ~3ms(probably much better than that in most cases). Our typical torque levels are on the order of xe-4. Here is a similar histogram of an entire test, not just the zero commands: image Max torque in this case was almost 9e-4. RMS torque was 3.1716e-04 This is a histogram of the same sample set, but filtered to only be zero commands: image

ryancoe commented 1 year ago

Looks great! Can you add this to the paper and then close the issue?