SNU-ARC / 2024_spring_sysprog_Lab3

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Issue Regarding Submission Format #39

Closed Byeol-Haneul closed 2 months ago

Byeol-Haneul commented 2 months ago

I found out that the wiki is misleading due to a small typo

tar -cvf 2024-12345.tar src/memmrg.c 2024-12345.pdf src/memmrg.c 2024-12345.pdf

where memmrg.c should be corrected to memmgr.c. Otherwise, the compressed file would leave out the source file, without producing error (despite printing the warning message). For those who just copied and pasted the command line, I think you might want to double-check your tar file.

Moreover, I found out that after extracting with tar -xvf 2024-12345.tar, the structure of the directory is,

    ├── 2024-12345.pdf
    └── src/
        └── memmgr.c

Is it correct that we maintain the source code in a separate directory src?

kwonsw055 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the typo report! As discussed in Lab 2 issue no.9, inside the tar file, having the source code in a separate src directory is correct.