SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers / UserScripts

Various user scripts that add features to the review queue or to the chat room
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Weird noise reduction on IPS.stackexchange #132

Open GrumpyCrouton opened 6 years ago

GrumpyCrouton commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if the magic editor is supposed to work on all the stack sites, but I tried using it on Interpersonal Skills and it removed a sentence which it shouldn't have, and I wanted to post here because it may help the development in some way.

The edit:

I think your main goal should be to make the choices that suit you. While the good grades will help you, social interactions and some free time will also help you grow.

was turned into

I think your main goal should be to make the choices that suit you.

On an answer @


GaurangTandon commented 6 years ago

Magic Editor always leaves an edit summary for posts. What edit summary did it leave in this case? It would help nail down the exact regex that may have misexecuted.

makyen commented 6 years ago

@GaurangTandon In this case, that's not necessary. I've duplicated the problem and identified the regex which is performing the substitution. As long as the problem can be duplicated, it's relatively easy to determine which regex is performing the substitution.

makyen commented 6 years ago

While it is the intent that Magic Editor be helpful on other Stack Exchange sites, it's primary use is on Stack Overflow.

For this specific case, the RegExp triggered on the use of the word "help" twice in the same sentence. Preventing replacement in that case is relatively easy, while still retaining all the other permutations.

While the good grades will help you, social interactions and some free time will also help you grow.

However, I'm going back and forth as to if we want to change this. I'd expect the valid sentence constructions where "help" is used twice would be relatively rare. I'm leaning towards it being likely that it's more common to be in a sentence that we'd like to remove, rather than one which we'd like to keep. Basically, it feels like it's more likely to be a user repeating a desire to be helped, rather than a sentence which is a valid part of a post.

I'm not strongly for or against this preventing the match of using "help" twice in a sentence. I'd like to think about it some more. I'm also open to being convinced one way or another.