SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers / UserScripts

Various user scripts that add features to the review queue or to the chat room
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Userscript to provide keyboard shortcuts on all SE sites in all review queues #135

Open GaurangTandon opened 6 years ago

GaurangTandon commented 6 years ago

You already have the CloseVoteShortcuts.user.js. This new proposed userscript is similar to that, except that it works on all SE sites, and also in all review queues (including the SO-specific Triage, H&I, etc.)

This isn't a feature-request though, because I have already made (and tested) this userscript :-) Here is the source code

I have tested this userscript in all review queues each on SO, Math.SE, and Chem.SE. These are the only SE sites where I have 3k+ privileges. However, given that there are entirely no site-specific checks in the entire code, I am bound to believe the userscript would work on all SE site review queues.

I also added an extra feature of being able to go a step back in any popup by pressing the Backspace key. For example, you can directly go from "Close > Off-Topic > Migration" to "Close > Off-Topic" just by pressing a single Backspace, or from "Close > Off-Topic" to "Close", etc.

So, can this userscript replace the one that is currently being used?

What led me to develop this userscript in the first place?

I noticed that once I had started using keyboard shortcuts in the SO close vote queue, my hands naturally wanted to use similar shortcuts in the Suggested Edits/LQP/etc. queues, etc. Moreover, not just on SO, but also on the other SE sites I was active.

At first, I tried to adapt the current userscript to somehow make it work on all SE sites. However I then noticed that every single step of the CV queue process had been hardcoded into the userscript. There was a lot of duplicacy, redundacy, etc. which made it almost impossible for me to be able to extend it in any way possible.

Hence, I came up with this new userscript. The crucial advantage this offers is (apart from working in all review queues) that nothing is hard-coded. So, in case SO later adds/deletes one or more Close options to their Off-Topic dialog, there would be no need to update this userscript at all. Similarly, even if that new Close option happens to be a nested list (clicking it opens a new list), this userscript would still work.


  1. I have tested on both Chrome 67 and Firefox 60. (Firefox also requires two additional tweaks - turn off "search for text when typing" and this issue) I don't know how far backwards/forwards/other browsers testing is required from your side, though I'd be happy to test further as directed.
  2. I have not tested this on the beta sites, as well as some "strange" sites like StackApps, Area51, Ask Patents (might be more?), because of lack of privileges. In case you want, because I understand they aren't the target audience, feel free to ask privileged people to test this userscript. I would be glad to help test it and fix bugs if any.
  3. Some minor advantages: the new userscript is nearly sixty lines shorter, and uses no jQuery at all.
GaurangTandon commented 6 years ago

Hey, could I please get a response on this?

makyen commented 6 years ago

It looks helpful/useful.

For myself, I don't use the keyboard shortcuts. Thus, while I can test it on SO, MSO, and MSE, I wouldn't be actively using it, which might find additional issues. Personally, I tend to use a one hand on keyboard and one hand on mouse style. I have a userscript which shows a single-click close-vote action on all questions (currently, SO only; works on question pages, reviews, and MagicTag, but needs to be updated to function on NATO with NATO Enhancements).

I did, relatively briefly, look at the code and can give you some comments on that if you want.

Some quick comments (not a complete review):

GaurangTandon commented 6 years ago

Hi again. Thanks for your excellently detailed feedback. I have incorporated all of it in the latest release: PopupDialogShortcutsSE.user.js

Please do have a look.

The only issue that couldn't be worked out was "keypress...should be the one which will need to be handled when resolving the Firefox issues." It did fix the backspace issue, but it didn't fix the "Search for text when typing" issue.

If you do use one, please only call your popup-search at most once every 100ms

I have throttled the MutationObserver handler to 250ms, with no visible effect on the results.

In getVisiblePopup you're doing a complete DOM-walk for each of the POPUP_IDS. You could easily do it in one DOM-walk, while getting all of them with $('#' + Object.values(POPUP_IDS).join(', #')).

I ended up removing the hardcoded IDs entirely, since every popup (and only a popup) has the unique selector div.popup[id*='popup']

Just wondering: In you development, did you find that the method didn't work on some elements?

I didn't knew it existed. The first SO hit for me was to use the invokeClick, dunno why :/

Rest all of your comments have been implemented.