SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers / UserScripts

Various user scripts that add features to the review queue or to the chat room
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Unclosed Request Review Script - Add ability to filter chat to just *-pls & related messages #151

Open Tyler-H opened 5 years ago

Tyler-H commented 5 years ago

(this is an enhancement request)

In accordance with and the concern of at least one user who wants to see all unrelated chat hidden, I'm posting this enhancement request to allow a feature to toggle (or some other activation mechanism, of course) all "off-topic chat" off... in other words, for the visible chat messages in the room, toggling on would apply display: none; to all <div class="user-container monologue"> (or <div class="message"> divs, if necessary) divs that contain messages that either:

If that is too much work, a simpler option would be to go with just the first criterion above.

This would actually be useful to anyone who wanted to see a quick, temporary view of all the requests in the chat, without having to navigate to another page.