SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers / UserScripts

Various user scripts that add features to the review queue or to the chat room
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Code formatted with three backticks gets replaced by inline code #187

Open DonaldDuck313 opened 4 years ago

DonaldDuck313 commented 4 years ago

If a post has a code block surrounded by three backticks (```), the magic editor will remove all backticks except one and indent with 4 spaces. For example

code here

will be edited to something like

    code here

I get why this was implemented before Stack Overflow supported code blocks with ```, but now that they supported, I think this feature should be removed. Also if you really want to keep this, you should at least make it remove all the backticks.

Demo: Try applying the magic editor to this formatting sandbox post.

makyen commented 4 years ago

This is effectively a duplicate of #181. However, its statement of the problem clearer, due to not intermixing two issues.