SOA-01 / WanderWise

SOA 2024 UPSTART "Trip Planner"
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4. Create the domain objects we might need #18

Open Arijus1979 opened 4 days ago

Arijus1979 commented 4 days ago

Create the domain objects you might need (also see Team Domain Slides assignment):

  1. Create any new infrastructure, or new repositories/data-mappers that you might need
  2. Create the new domain entities and values objects you feel you might need
  3. Decide if your entities/values belong in the same aggregate as the ones you created last week
  4. Choose the entity that best serves as your aggregate root
  5. Write tests to that get major results directly from your aggregate root
  6. Implement the domain logic you need to pass the tests

Take a moment to check that your team is creating rich (not anemic) domain objects: