SOA-01 / WanderWise

SOA 2024 UPSTART "Trip Planner"
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6. Deploy to Heroku #20

Open Arijus1979 opened 4 days ago

Arijus1979 commented 4 days ago

Deploy your Web application to Heroku (AWS)!

  1. Make a Heroku account and setup Heroku command line interface (CLI)
  2. Add a Postgres server using the Heroku CLI
  3. Modify your Gemfile to handle PostGres (pg gem) and rake tasks (rake gem) in production
  4. Tell your local project to ignore production gems (and put .bundle/ in .gitignore)
  5. Tell Heroku to ignore development and test gems
  6. Create a Procfile to that will inform Heroku about the process you wish to run
  7. Merge all your work to master branch and push to Heroku!
  8. Don’t forget to run migrations on your new production database and restart!