SOA-04 / leaf-api
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DEVELOP 07: RESTful Web API #14

Open jerry914 opened 2 days ago

jerry914 commented 2 days ago
  1. Create a copy of your monolithic web application ✅
  2. Decide the resources (verbs + routes) your API will respond to ✅ Your API is well designed in the controller; in the future, you could also document your route design in!
  3. Create representers for your domain entities/values ✅
  4. Update input validation and service objects 🔅 The form objects should be replaced by request objects
  5. Update controller routes to return Json representation of objects ❔You already created APIResponse, however, it seems you didn't update your controller and service to return the set JSON>?
  6. Write acceptance tests for your API ✅


Quick notes:

  1. Please merge your working branch back to the main branch~