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Question on how to convert empty std::tm to timestamp and convert back in a MySQL database #1147

Open asmwarrior opened 2 months ago

asmwarrior commented 2 months ago

Hi, I have a MySQL database and I use soci library to access it.

There is a table, which has a "timestamp" column. In the associated C++ user defined class, I have a std::tm for this column.

Here is a demo code I used to convert the soci row to the user define class and convert back.

struct type_conversion<MyClass>
    typedef values base_type;

    static void from_base(const values& v, indicator ind, MyClass& row)
    { = v.get<int>("id", -1);
        row.timestamp = v.get<std::tm>("timestamp", std::tm());

    static void to_base(const MyClass& row, values& v, indicator& ind)
        v.set("timestamp", row.timestamp);

        ind = i_ok;

I see that if the timestamp column of the record is "NULL", then I got the result that every members of the std::tm is 0.

I think this is correct, because I have such line row.timestamp = v.get<std::tm>("timestamp", std::tm());, and the last argument std::tm() is the default value if the row has the NULL for this field.

But when I try to run the to_base function, I got an error if I have such code:

MyClass obj;
obj.timestamp = std::tm();
// later I try to add the obj to the database

The error says that: (I strip the error message, because the actual class name is not "MyClass")

can't find the MyClass with id = 8, Incorrect datetime value: '1900-01-00 00:00:00' for column 'timestamp' ...... 

So, it looks like I can't convert/write an empty std::tm object which as all the members as 0s to the database.

My question is how to solve such issue?

My guess is that I see the default value of the std::tm object(all members are zero), I would set the timestamp filed as a NULL.

So, some code may be changed to

    static void to_base(const MyClass& row, values& v, indicator& ind)

        // check to see whether the row.timestamp is an empty null "std::tm", if true, set the field value as NULL
        if (row.timestamp == std::tm())
            v.set("timestamp", soci::i_null);
            v.set("timestamp", row.timestamp);

        ind = i_ok;

Am I correct?


asmwarrior commented 2 months ago

It looks like I can't compare the if (row.timestamp == std::tm()), so I change the code like below:

bool IsTmEmpty(const std::tm& time) {
    return (time.tm_year == 0 &&
            time.tm_mon == 0 &&
            time.tm_mday == 0 &&
            time.tm_hour == 0 &&
            time.tm_min == 0 &&
            time.tm_sec == 0);

And later, I use such code:

    static void to_base(const MyClass& row, values& v, indicator& ind)

        // check to see whether the row.timestamp is an empty null "std::tm", if true, set the field value as NULL
        if ( IsTmEmpty(row.timestamp) )
            v.set("timestamp", soci::i_null);
            v.set("timestamp", row.timestamp);

        ind = i_ok;

But sadly, the above code still can't be built. The issue happens here: v.set("timestamp", soci::i_null);, I'm currently don't know how to use the null indicator.


asmwarrior commented 2 months ago

OK, I think I found the solution, it is inside the document:

See here:

So, the final code which works is like below:

    static void to_base(const MyClass& row, values& v, indicator& ind)

        // check to see whether the row.timestamp is an empty null "std::tm", if true, set the field value as NULL
        v.set("timestamp", row.timestamp, IsTmEmpty(row.timestamp) ? i_null : i_ok);

        ind = i_ok;