SODEFA-GmbH-Co-KG / gitenvs

Save your environment variables in git – encrypted!
MIT License
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GitEnv 2.0 #4

Open rechenberger opened 2 years ago

rechenberger commented 2 years ago

GitEnv 2.0



Tech Stack

sean-nicholas commented 1 year ago

Here is a revised idea for the config and extension files:

// --- EnvConfig: gitenvs.config.json --- //

export type PointerOrValue =
  | {
      type: 'pointer'
      fileId: string
      stage: string
      key: string
  | {
      type: 'value'
      value: string
      encrypted: boolean

export type EnvVar = {
  // BASICS:
  fileId: string
  stage: string
  key: string

  // Just for DTO. All pointers resolved, funcs have been run & values are decrypted
  _value?: string
} & (
  | {
      type: 'func'
      func: {
        name: string
        params?: Record<string, PointerOrValue | PointerOrValue[]>
  | {
      type: 'content'
      content: PointerOrValue

export type EnvFile = {
  fileId: string
  name: string
  path: string
    | 'dotenv'
    | 'typescript'
    // Can be used as a collection of variables. These variables can be reused in real files
    // `path` will be ignored.` TODO: Maybe we need better naming
    | 'variables'
    // Can be extended by extension file -> fileWriters
    | string

export type EnvStage = {
  name: string
  publicKey: string
  encryptedPrivateKey: string

export type EnvConfig = {
  version: 1
  envVars: EnvVar[]
  files: EnvFile[]
  stages: EnvStage[]
  // extensionsPath: string
// --- Extension File: gitenvs.extensions.js --- //

export type FuncContext<Params = Record<string, string | string[]>> = {
  params: Params
  currentEnvVar: EnvVar

export type Func<Input> = (options: {
  input: Input
  context: FuncContext
}) => Promise<string>

export type EnvFileWriter = (options: { TODO: any }) => Promise<string>

export type ExtensionFile = {
  funcs: {
    [funcName: string]: Func<any>
  writers: {
    [writerName: string]: EnvFileWriter

Some infos why the functions are designed how they are:

sean-nicholas commented 1 year ago

Nice thing about params for functions is that