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blog/adding-blog-in-url-in-gatsby-theme-minimal-blog-by-leko-arts #5

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Adding "blog" in URL in Gatsby Theme Minimal Blog by LekoArts | Sohel Ahmed Mesaniya

Add "blog" in URL in Gatsby Theme Minimal Blog by LekoArts

metruzanca commented 3 years ago

I stubled upon your website on the Gatsby discord and while making my own website I remembered you had a post on my exact issue. In my case, since I'm not using the gatsby theme plugin i just added blog here:

  path: `/blog/${post.fields.slug}`,
  component: blogPost,
  context: {

(my gatsby blog is based on the starter blog)

Also, utterances is really awesome. I'm going to use that on my site as well.

SOHELAHMED7 commented 3 years ago



Utterances is indeed awesome.

Unfortunately I didn't got notification when you commented. I need to check whats going on.

metruzanca commented 3 years ago

I think the issue is that this was a newly generated issue page and by default issues don't appear in notifications. You might be able to get notifications if you set the watch to EVERYTHING, but that might also not work. Something I'm sure would work as a workaround is to setup a webhook that catches new issues and issue comments and use some service that turns webhooks into push notifications (or use a private discord server and use it's webhook integration)

SOHELAHMED7 commented 3 years ago

Yes webhook is the solution.

However I tested by creating new commenting. I am getting email notification. I did nothing. Also I noted one new thing. Utterences automatically add comment label to new issue created by me + Utterence bot immediately after new issue is created. So even if I am not "Subscribed" to the new issue, now I will be subscribed and most probably I will receive new email notification