SOHU-Co / kafka-node

Node.js client for Apache Kafka 0.8 and later.
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what is "autoCommit" property when regist new consumer? #213

Open wizali opened 9 years ago

wizali commented 9 years ago
    groupId: 'kafka-node-group',//consumer group id, deafult `kafka-node-group`
    // Auto commit config
    autoCommit: true,
    autoCommitIntervalMs: 5000,
    // The max wait time is the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to block waiting if insufficient data is available at the time the request is issued, default 100ms
    fetchMaxWaitMs: 100,
    // This is the minimum number of bytes of messages that must be available to give a response, default 1 byte
    fetchMinBytes: 1,
    // The maximum bytes to include in the message set for this partition. This helps bound the size of the response.
    fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 10,
    // If set true, consumer will fetch message from the given offset in the payloads
    fromOffset: false,
    // If set to 'buffer', values will be returned as raw buffer objects.
    encoding: 'utf8'

what is use of autoCommit property?
wizali commented 9 years ago
juhanishen commented 9 years ago

我连接到Storm就是一个接 一个了。

haio commented 9 years ago

@wizali 目前不支持你说的这种方式,你所采用的 consumer.pause() 也并不能可靠的解决这个办法。我能想到两种方式你可以参考下:

  1. 在你的程序中实现一个内存队列,设置 autoCommit 为 false,每次 consumer 接到消息后放入队列,然后一条一条处理队列中的消息,处理完一条后进行 commit,参考下这个 issue #181
  2. lib/Client 进行封装,实现一个主动拉的 consumer,Kafka protocol 本质上也是 request/response 模式,但是每次 response 可能返回多条 message,所以你需要取收到的第一条 message 然后丢掉其他的,下次一再请求下一条 message
wanming commented 8 years ago

@haio 我也遇到了这个问题,有个疑问,你说的“处理完一条后进行 commit”的这个 'commit' 是 HighLevelConsumer 的方法 commit 吗?我看代码里这个方法并不能传 offset 啊,我们应该处理完一条数据后传这个数据的 offset 和 partition 的对吧?

iamcc commented 8 years ago

@haio 如果我维护了一份内存队列,但是我在处理过程中服务器崩溃了,这时我又还没commit已经处理过得任务,这种情况怎么处理好?