SORMAS-Foundation / SORMAS-Project

SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
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Create additional fields within the « CONTACT » modules #2411

Open carolinverset opened 4 years ago

carolinverset commented 4 years ago

Feature Description

Create additional fields within the « CONTACT » modules to allow the entry of data meant to be transferred from contact tracing level 3 units (organized within regional healthcare agencies) to contact tracing level 2 units (organized within local healthcare insurance institutions).

→ Implementation of a multiple choices variable “CONTACT’S NEEDS” with the following choices :

Implementation of a free text comment field “additional information about the contact” allowing furnishing details about the item “other” if selected at the “CONTACT’S NEED” variable or entering additional information about the investigated contact.

Implementation of a new variable dedicated to contact risk assessment “HIGH RISK EXPOSURE” with a dropdown list “YES/NO/UNKNOWN”

ChristopherRiedel commented 4 years ago

@carolinverset There is already an additional information free text field for contact at the bottom of the page. It's called "General comment" in english.

bernardsilenou commented 4 years ago

@carolinverset the There is a variable called "contact category" activated currently on the German system, We will activate it for the whole system also. See picture


bernardsilenou commented 4 years ago

@carolinverset The variable for genital comment is at the bottom of the contact information page, see figure


bernardsilenou commented 4 years ago

@carolinverset For the other points, you mentioned, we discus further in the next meeting please

carolinverset commented 4 years ago

@bernardsilenou @ChristopherRiedelSymeda I agree with you and we have see the free text field on the bottom of the view. Unfortunately, this field is used for another type of information which is imported from on other data health system.
Insofar as we have to establish a specific feedback to the local healthcare insurance institutions with information about tests or medical work stopping for cases or contacts, so we need to have two related/linked fields : multiple choices variable « CASE’S NEEDS » or “contact’s need” AND an attached free text field allowing to complete this information.
What are you thinking about ?

bernardsilenou commented 4 years ago

There is a free text variable in sormas called "help needed in quarantine". This varaibel is technically to document needs of the contact or case. We can replace this variable with a more generic caption "CONTACT’S NEEDS" and "CASE’S NEEDS" which will be a checkbox variable with options:

RT-PCR prescription, if yes, then show a field to enter day (not date). day = "number days since start of follow-up" Medical absence from work certificate if yes, show date field from and to Mask recommended Other(s) + free text