SORMAS-Foundation / SORMAS-Project

SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
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General comment field improvements #3953

Open kwa20 opened 3 years ago

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

Feature Description

General comment field (wherever applicable)

Problem Description

Thus far, the general comment field only provides an option to freely enter comments or anything further in one field. Often enough, users use this field to enter a lot of additional data. However, it cannot be inferred, who entered data or when it was entered.

Proposed Change

To optimize the comment field for internal communication of users, change this section to allow stacking of comments. A comment should be added by pressing "new comment". After saving the comment, user name, user role and creation date and time should be displayed in a comment header. The individual comment fields should be able to be minimized (hidden) and maximized. This is important to maintain clarity and not having to scroll for very long to reach the discard and save buttons on the form. When a comment is minimized, merely the header should be visible with the arrow implying that the field can be maximized. When a user comes back to his comment, they should have an option to edit it. The time of the edit should then update the time stamp and the edit symbol should be added to show that the comment was edited.

Pseudonymize entries for users outside of the jurisdiction and read only access.

Additional Information


Development Specifications

User interface (Vaadin only for now):

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

Will likely influence #3936 and #3898

marko-arn commented 3 years ago

That would be very good improvement of this field. Thanks for your work on the weekend!

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

This issue should also apply to the general comment field that would be added to persons #3936

markusmann-vg commented 3 years ago

@JaquM @kwa20 We will do an internal refinement for this

Examples for our internal refinement:

StefanKock commented 3 years ago

This is likely a complete new feature

markusmann-vg commented 3 years ago

to be considered:

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

This is similar to whet we have for event actions. It would be good to use the same design and logic in both sections

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

@bernardsilenou I actually don't think it should work like event actions since actions are more related to organizing larger endeavours and this section is mainly for internal commentary on department level. Therefore, users should not have to navigate to separate tabs or go through multiple creation windows.

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago


maxiheyner commented 3 years ago

Issue tracker comment

MateStrysewske commented 3 years ago

Some quick notes based on a discussion we just had:

MateStrysewske commented 3 years ago

@kwa20 What about migration? We should get rid of the "additionalDetails" fields for cases, contacts and persons because those are currently serving as comment fields. However, those fields don't have an associated "creating user", so if we migrate them to the new comments, these comments wouldn't have a user associated with them. We could allow this and introduce a user right to edit unowned comments, but that would be kind of a hacky workaround only for the migration. An alternative could be to automatically assign these comments to a random admin user. What do you suggest here?

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

@MateStrysewske We could use the reporting user as the user to be the 'creating user'. The downside is that this might not necessarily be true and I'd therefore discard this option. I also agree that creating an extra user right for this would not be that nice either. However, considering you're previous comment:

Users should be able to edit and (soft-)delete their own comments, or all comments if they have the user right to do so

Would this right not also make respective users able to edit unowned comments? Otherwise, what if we make unowned comments available for edits to everyone (which is pretty much how the general comment field worked before), but assign/associate the first user that changes the unowned comment after initial migration.

MateStrysewske commented 3 years ago

Yeah, good point - I totally missed that. Doesn't seem to be a problem then :)

marko-arn commented 3 years ago

@MateStrysewske @kwa20 I want to point out that there must be also a handling for comments left by users which are leaving the health office. This could be the scouts from RKI, soldiers or just an employee with a new job. I recommend that if the user of the comment is deactivated the comment it editable by any user, but it mus be shown who did the last change. Other option would be to make it editable for admins only.

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

@Marko-ilmkreis I think this would be handled by the user rights COMMENT_EDIT_ALL (admins, national users, supervisors) and COMMENT_DELETE_ALL (admins) that will come with the implementation. These could also be allocated to other users after the implementation of the new user roles concept if needed.

AliciaRaber commented 2 years ago

Please be so kind and let me know with which Ver the implementation will be done? Thank you.

JaquM-HZI commented 2 years ago

@AliciaRaber there is no prioritization yet, so no answer possible

AliciaRaber commented 2 years ago

@JaquM I would suggest to prioritize this issue because we face actually a drastic incline of cases and every step less would help us. Thank you.

bansaj commented 2 years ago

Can we replicate the comment to other modules like events, etc, or will it be specifically added the above-mentioned models only?

JaquM-HZI commented 2 years ago

We could have it for every general comment field and it should be possible to add a general comment field for events @bansaj