Open Candice-Louw opened 3 years ago
It is essential, that
So we need to add "onchange" to the options of automatic at a scheduled time and manually transferred cases as a 3rd option
@markusmann-vg This is the result of a quick discussion with @HolgerReiseVSys
SurvNet needs to be informed, when a case was changed
When the user hits the save button, we write the complete, updated record back to SurvNet
SurvNet needs to be informed, when a case was deleted
There is an ElementAction
called Element Delete
in SurvNet which we could send to the locale instance when we delete a case in SORMAS
SurvNet needs to be informed, when a case was passed with property
There is a Bearbeitungsstatus
called abgegeben
in SurvNet which is desired to reach when we pass a case. Unknown how to reach it (as of yet)
This needs to be verified by RKI to make sure this does not cause any undesired side effects.
When a case is transferred from SORMAS to SORMAS we inform Survnet
Please check also the document with the transport description
verworfen: Der Datensatz wurde gelöscht. Der Eigentümer des Datensatzes ist die eigene Instanz. Der Datensatz kann nicht bearbeitet werden. Alle Referenzen auf diesen Datensatz in anderen Datensätzen werden entfernt, d.h. das Verwerfen eines Datensatzes kann umfangreiche Änderungen anderer Datensätze nach sich ziehen (TODO: Wirklich umsetzen?; dem Nutzer signalisieren) und damit müssen auch die entsprechenden Datensätze nochmals übermittelt, "zur Kenntnis" abgegeben bzw. synchronisiert werden. Alle Referenzen des verworfenen Datensatzes auf andere Datensätze werden entfernt (TODO: überlegen). Sofern notwendig wird ein "Verwerfen" übermittelt und es wird ein "Verwerfen" synchronisiert. Der Datensatz kann wieder auf "in Bearbeitung" gesetzt werden (TODO: Hilft nicht viel, wenn mit dem Verwerfen vorher alle Referenzen entfernt wurden). Das "Verwerfen" eines Datensatzes dient dazu, falsche bzw. nicht mehr benötigte Datensätze als "gelöscht" zu markieren. Dabei werden keine Daten tatsächlich gelöscht.
Zur Info Zustandsdiagramm Datensätze im Gesundheitsamt - Stand: 20.06.2020
Feedback from RKI: " [...] a scheduled data transfer [might not be] the right solution. Many GA have agreed with the Landesbehörde on a time when they send the data from SurvNet. That means, data transfer from SORMAS must happen “just before”. But there will oftentimes be a situation where the staff haven’t managed to finish the day’s work yet and decide to delay the transfer for some minutes or maybe hours. Some GA transfer data several times per day.
I would strongly recommend doing it the same way it is done in SurvNet where transfer is initiated by a user. When the user starts the data transport, SurvNet collects all changes since the last export (new, changed and deleted cases and outbreaks) and put them all into one file that is then sent to the web service. That would allow the GA to trigger the export on demand and directly after start the import to SurvNet followed by the data transfer to the Landesbehörde.
By that they can ensure that the last one working on a record has finished their work before the export. If something happens later during the evening they can communicate with the Landesbehörde and check with them if an update can still be included in the reports and even re-send during the night. "
It should be possible for the admin to set the parameters for automatic transmission in the settings. The following parameters should be covered:
And #4770 includig the comment needs to be implemented before or at the same time with this one.
As an admin I can change the configuration for the automatic transfer to the reporting tool. On the same page I can also click a button to execute the transfer manually. Time of sending will be input with: 08:00;12:00;16:00 [Time intervals of min. 30 mins]
Logging of errors from the converter are included.
Prevent n exports at the same time. Error message: "Another export is already running, pls. try again later"
If a manual export is running and the automatic export is supposed to start, the automatic export should try to do it again after another 5 minutes.
Situation Description
As Gesundheitsamt, I would like to export/transmit Case data from SORMAS to SurvNet on (1) an automatic, and (2) manual basis.
Feature Description
All changes to existing cases and export of new cases should automatically happen at a scheduled time/according to a timer. | Automatisch nach Zeitschaltuhr alle Änderungen vorhandener Fälle und Export neuer Fälle.
All changes to existing cases and export of new cases should be possible to be initiated manually. | Händisch angestoßen alle Änderungen vorhandener Fälle und Export neuer Fälle.
Possible Alternatives
It is NOT about manually setting a filter, selecting cases and then doing a mass export. Filters are therefore not considered an alternative.
Additional Information
This is closely related to the BAG export in Switzerland pertaining to their MED -
In the event of this becoming relevant for Contacts too, the following may have to be considered -