SORMAS-Foundation / SORMAS-Project

SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
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Change mapping in "type of contact classification" [2] #4550

Open JaquM-HZI opened 3 years ago

JaquM-HZI commented 3 years ago

Summary for implementation:

Up to changes in type of contact classicication because of new recommendations of RKI, description and classification has to be changed. This recommendations are german only.

Use following mapping instead of current mapping for:

Type of contact Classification
At least 15 minutes of cumulative facial ("face-to-face") contact without proper wearing of a MNS/MNB by both K1
At least 15 minutes of cumulative facial ("face-to-face") contact with proper wearing of a MNS/MNB by both K2
Persons with direct contact with secretions and body fluids e.g. by kissing, coughing on, sneezing on, contact with vomit, mouth-to-mouth ventilation, etc. K1
Persons who have been exposed to infectious aerosols in the room (e.g., partying, singing together, or playing sports indoors without adequate ventilation). Independent of wearing a MNS/MNB. K1
Medical personnel at high risk of exposure e.g. unprotected exposure to secretions, exposure to aerosols from covid cases K1A
Medical personnel with limited exposure risk e.g. contact under 2m to Covid-19 cases without protective equipment, ≥15 min face-to-face contact (without exposure to secretions). K1B
Persons who were in the same room as a confirmed case with adequate ventilation K2
Medical personnel who were in the same room as the confirmed case without using adequate protective clothing K2
Medical personnel at a safe distance (>2m, <30min) or when adequate protective clothing has been worn K3
Medical personnel with contact >2m without direct contact with secretions or excretions of the patient and without exposure to aerosols K3



Development Specifications

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

@JaquM @kwa20

marko-arn commented 3 years ago

@JaquM @kwa20 @bernardsilenou I see here also a benefit if the field contact category becomes mandatory with the options "not yet classified" and "no contact category" or similar. We have in our instance since we are using Sormas (December 20) around 100 contacts (of 6700 total) without any category. I know that the main problem my be caused by the user and not filling it in, but a mandatory field yould assist them.

The only contact were it must not mandatory is the travel returnees as they don't fit in any category. Maybe the classification could ne hidden if travel return is selected, but I'm nut sury if this makes sense.

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

I would also add the following to this issue:

@Marko-ilmkreis I think that it's generally a nice idea. It would then be possible to set contacts to "not yet classified" by default as seen for the case classification or outcome for example. The user would then also have the option to specifically say "no contact category" for returning travelers

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

@kwa20 @JaquM You have some valid points here.

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

@bernardsilenou I think additional points are up for discussion but what is urgent now is the correct mapping because those types in combination with categories are determined by higher health authorities.

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

After the prio meeting today, I realised that we need to discuss and refine this ticket. Please schedule a call. We would split in two tickets: one for the mapping and the another for multiple selection options.

JaquM-HZI commented 3 years ago

Then I open a new ticket for multiple selection and take it out. So "only" a new mapping has to be done and the wording has to be changed.

JaquM-HZI commented 3 years ago

Up to changes in type of contact classicication because of new recommendations of RKI, description and classification has to be changed. This recommendations are german only.

Use following mapping instead of current mapping for:

Type of contact Classification
At least 15 minutes of cumulative facial ("face-to-face") contact without proper wearing of a MNS/MNB by both K1
At least 15 minutes of cumulative facial ("face-to-face") contact with proper wearing of a MNS/MNB by both K2
Persons with direct contact with secretions and body fluids e.g. by kissing, coughing on, sneezing on, contact with vomit, mouth-to-mouth ventilation, etc. K1
Persons who have been exposed to infectious aerosols in the room (e.g., partying, singing together, or playing sports indoors without adequate ventilation). Independent of wearing a MNS/MNB. K1
Medical personnel at high risk of exposure e.g. unprotected exposure to secretions, exposure to aerosols from covid cases K1A
Medical personnel with limited exposure risk e.g. contact under 2m to Covid-19 cases without protective equipment, ≥15 min face-to-face contact (without exposure to secretions). K1B
Persons who were in the same room as a confirmed case with adequate ventilation K2
Medical personnel who were in the same room as the confirmed case without using adequate protective clothing K2
Medical personnel at a safe distance (>2m, <30min) or when adequate protective clothing has been worn K3
Medical personnel with contact >2m without direct contact with secretions or excretions of the patient and without exposure to aerosols K3


bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

@JaquM @kwa20 I think we need to come up with a mapping table for contact types.

When we get this right, we can then redefine the classifications.

JaquM-HZI commented 3 years ago

Summary for implementation

Required action Sormas value Type of contact Classification
rename FACE_TO_FACE_LONG At least 15 minutes of cumulative facial ("face-to-face") contact without proper wearing of a MNS/MNB by both K1
add, map - At least 15 minutes of cumulative facial ("face-to-face") contact with proper wearing of a MNS/MNB by both K2
rename TOUCHED_FLUID Persons with direct contact with secretions and body fluids e.g. by kissing, coughing on, sneezing on, contact with vomit, mouth-to-mouth ventilation, etc. K1
rename AEROSOL Persons who have been exposed to infectious aerosols in the room, independent of wearing a MNS/MNB. K1
keep MEDICAL_UNSAFE Medical personnel at high risk of exposure e.g. unprotected exposure to secretions, exposure to aerosols from covid cases K1A
rename MEDICAL_LIMITED Medical personnel with limited exposure risk e.g. contact under 2m to Covid-19 cases without protective equipment, ≥15 min face-to-face contact (without exposure to secretions). K1B
rename SAME_ROOM Persons who were in the same room as a confirmed case with adequate ventilation K2
remove, migrate* FACE_TO_FACE_SHORT Face-to-face contact of less than 15 minutes K2
keep MEDICAL_SAME_ROOM Medical personnel who were in the same room as the confirmed case without using adequate protective clothing K2
rename MEDICAL_SAFE Medical personnel at a safe distance (>2m, <30min) or when adequate protective clothing has been worn K3
keep MEDICAL_DISTANT Medical personnel with contact >2m without direct contact with secretions or excretions of the patient and without exposure to aerosols K3

*migrate to "Persons who were in the same room as the confirmed case with adequate ventilation"

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

@MateStrysewske I hope we only rename enums not db values, because the network diagram may be affected. The risk types are hard coded.

MateStrysewske commented 3 years ago

@bernardsilenou Renaming enums also requires renaming DB values.

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

@MateStrysewske Then I have to look in the code if any change is needed in the sprint that this issue would be planned.

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

@markusmann-vg Is the summary for the implementation fine with you?

maxiheyner commented 3 years ago

Issue tracker comment

JaquM-HZI commented 3 years ago

We need to stop this, the RKI classification has totaly changed. I will open a new one which will replace this one in the prioritization.

bernardsilenou commented 3 years ago

The RKI categories keeps changing over time, thus the new implementation module can be done in a configurable way for DE, similarly to the disease variant where each instance can update at any time without needing to go through a release and implementation process. We need a dynamic solution to a dynamic problem, not to keep revisiting the same issue all the time.