SORMAS-Foundation / SORMAS-Project

SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
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Add imports for continents and subcontinents and extend infrastructure imports [3] #4782

Closed MateStrysewske closed 3 years ago

MateStrysewske commented 3 years ago

Situation Description

Concept issue: #4658 Pre-requisite: #4775 & #4776

For exposures (and later maybe for other use cases), users need to be able to not only specify a country, but also a continent or subcontinent in case they don't know the exact name of the country they have traveled to or have traveled to multiple countries.

Feature Description

We need import and default import functionalities for the new entities and also need to extend the existing infrastructure import to allow users to associate countries with subcontinents by re-importing them.

Candice-Louw commented 3 years ago

Updated file:

Not sure if the integrity (UTF-8) was maintained, so raw list below.


SurvNet converter team:

defaultName externalId isoCode unoCode archived subContinent
Afghanistan 8501 AFG 4 FALSE Southern Asia
Albania 8201 ALB 8 FALSE Southeast Europe
Algeria 8304 DZA 12 FALSE Northwest Africa
Andorra 8202 AND 20 FALSE Western Europe
Angola 8305 AGO 24 FALSE Southwest Africa
Antigua and Barbuda 8442 ATG 28 FALSE Central America
Argentina 8401 ARG 32 FALSE South America
Armenia 8560 ARM 51 FALSE Middle East
Australia 8601 AUS 36 FALSE Australia (subcontinent)
Austria 8229 AUT 40 FALSE Central Europe
Azerbaijan 8561 AZE 31 FALSE Middle East
Bahamas 8402 BHS 44 FALSE Central America
Bahrain 8502 BHR 48 FALSE Southwest Asia
Bangladesh 8546 BGD 50 FALSE Southern Asia
Barbados 8403 BRB 52 FALSE Central America
Belarus 8266 BLR 112 FALSE Eastern Europe
Belgium 8204 BEL 56 FALSE Western Europe
Belize 8419 BLZ 84 FALSE Central America
Benin 8309 BEN 204 FALSE Western Africa
Bhutan 8503 BTN 64 FALSE Southern Asia
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 8405 BOL 68 FALSE South America
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8252 BIH 70 FALSE Southeast Europe
Botswana 8307 BWA 72 FALSE Southern Africa
Brazil 8406 BRA 76 FALSE South America
Brunei Darussalam 8504 BRN 96 FALSE Southern Asia
Bulgaria 8205 BGR 100 FALSE Southeast Europe
Burkina Faso 8337 BFA 854 FALSE Western Africa
Burundi 8308 BDI 108 FALSE Eastern Africa
Cabo Verde 8319 CPV 132 FALSE Western Africa
Cambodia 8518 KHM 116 FALSE Southeast Asia
Cameroon 8317 CMR 120 FALSE Central Africa
Canada 8423 CAN 124 FALSE North America
Central African Republic 8360 CAF 140 FALSE Central Africa
Chad 8356 TCD 148 FALSE Central Africa
Chile 8407 CHL 152 FALSE South America
China 8508 CHN 156 FALSE Eastern Asia
Colombia 8424 COL 170 FALSE South America
Comoros 8321 COM 174 FALSE Eastern Africa
Congo (Brazzaville) 8322 COG 178 FALSE Central Africa
Cook Islands 8682 COK 184 FALSE Oceania
Costa Rica 8408 CRI 188 FALSE Central America
Croatia 8250 HRV 191 FALSE Southern Europe
Cuba 8425 CUB 192 FALSE Central America
Cyprus 8242 CYP 196 FALSE Southeast Europe
Czech Republic 8244 CZE 203 FALSE Central Europe
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 8530 PRK 408 FALSE Eastern Asia
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8323 COD 180 FALSE Central Africa
Denmark 8206 DNK 208 FALSE Northern Europe
Djibouti 8303 DJI 262 FALSE Eastern Africa
Dominica 8440 DMA 212 FALSE Central America
Dominican Republic 8409 DOM 214 FALSE Central America
Ecuador 8410 ECU 218 FALSE South America
Egypt 8359 EGY 818 FALSE Northeast Africa
El Salvador 8411 SLV 222 FALSE Central America
Equatorial Guinea 8301 GNQ 226 FALSE Central Africa
Eritrea 8362 ERI 232 FALSE Northeast Africa
Estonia 8260 EST 233 FALSE Northern Europe
Eswatini 8352 SWZ 748 FALSE Southern Africa
Ethiopia 8302 ETH 231 FALSE Eastern Africa
Fiji 8602 FJI 242 FALSE Oceania
Finland 8211 FIN 246 FALSE Northern Europe
France 8212 FRA 250 FALSE Western Europe
Gabon 8311 GAB 266 FALSE Central Africa
Gambia 8312 GMB 270 FALSE Western Africa
Georgia 8562 GEO 268 FALSE Middle East
*Germany 8207 DEU 276 FALSE Central Europe
Ghana 8313 GHA 288 FALSE Western Africa
Greece 8214 GRC 300 FALSE Southeast Europe
Greenland 8413 GRL 304 FALSE Northern Europe
Grenada 8441 GRD 308 FALSE Central America
Guatemala 8415 GTM 320 FALSE Central America
Guinea 8315 GIN 324 FALSE Western Africa
Guinea-Bissau 8314 GNB 624 FALSE Western Africa
Guyana 8417 GUY 328 FALSE South America
Haiti 8418 HTI 332 FALSE Central America
Honduras 8420 HND 340 FALSE Central America
Hungary 8240 HUN 348 FALSE Central Europe
Iceland 8217 ISL 352 FALSE Northern Europe
India 8510 IND 356 FALSE Middle East
Indonesia 8511 IDN 360 FALSE Southeast Asia
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 8513 IRN 364 FALSE Middle East
Iraq 8512 IRQ 368 FALSE Middle East
Ireland 8216 IRL 372 FALSE Northern Europe
Israel 8514 ISR 376 FALSE Middle East
Italy 8218 ITA 380 FALSE Southern Europe
Jamaica 8421 JAM 388 FALSE Central America
Japan 8515 JPN 392 FALSE Eastern Asia
Jordan 8517 JOR 400 FALSE Middle East
Kazakhstan 8563 KAZ 398 FALSE Central Asia
Kenya 8320 KEN 404 FALSE Eastern Africa
Kiribati 8616 KIR 296 FALSE Oceania
Kuwait 8521 KWT 414 FALSE Middle East
Kyrgyzstan 8564 KGZ 417 FALSE Central Asia
Lao People's Democratic Republic 8522 LAO 418 FALSE Southeast Asia
Latvia 8261 LVA 428 FALSE Northern Europe
Lebanon 8523 LBN 422 FALSE Middle East
Lesotho 8324 LSO 426 FALSE Southern Africa
Liberia 8325 LBR 430 FALSE Western Africa
Libya 8326 LBY 434 FALSE Northern Africa
Liechtenstein 8222 LIE 438 FALSE Central Europe
Lithuania 8262 LTU 440 FALSE Northern Europe
Luxembourg 8223 LUX 442 FALSE Western Europe
Madagascar 8327 MDG 450 FALSE Southeast Africa
Malawi 8329 MWI 454 FALSE Southeast Africa
Malaysia 8525 MYS 458 FALSE Southeast Asia
Maldives 8526 MDV 462 FALSE Southern Asia
Mali 8330 MLI 466 FALSE Western Africa
Malta 8224 MLT 470 FALSE Southern Europe
Marshall Islands 8617 MHL 584 FALSE Oceania
Mauritania 8332 MRT 478 FALSE Northwest Africa
Mauritius 8333 MUS 480 FALSE Southeast Africa
Mexico 8427 MEX 484 FALSE North America
Micronesia (Federated States of) 8618 FSM 583 FALSE Oceania
Monaco 8226 MCO 492 FALSE Southern Europe
Mongolia 8528 MNG 496 FALSE Central Asia
Montenegro 8254 MNE 499 FALSE Southeast Europe
Morocco 8331 MAR 504 FALSE Northwest Africa
Mozambique 8334 MOZ 508 FALSE Southeast Africa
Myanmar 8505 MMR 104 FALSE Southeast Asia
Namibia 8351 NAM 516 FALSE Southern Africa
Nauru 8604 NRU 520 FALSE Oceania
Nepal 8529 NPL 524 FALSE Southern Asia
Netherlands 8227 NLD 528 FALSE Western Europe
New Caledonia 8606 NCL 540 FALSE Oceania
New Zealand 8607 NZL 554 FALSE Oceania
Nicaragua 8429 NIC 558 FALSE Central America
Niger 8335 NER 562 FALSE Western Africa
Nigeria 8336 NGA 566 FALSE Western Africa
Niue 8683 NIU 570 FALSE Oceania
North Macedonia 8255 MKD 807 FALSE Southeast Europe
Norway 8228 NOR 578 FALSE Northern Europe
Oman 8527 OMN 512 FALSE Southwest Asia
Pakistan 8533 PAK 586 FALSE Southern Asia
Palau 8619 PLW 585 FALSE Oceania
Panama 8430 PAN 591 FALSE Central America
Papua New Guinea 8608 PNG 598 FALSE Oceania
Paraguay 8431 PRY 600 FALSE South America
Peru 8432 PER 604 FALSE South America
Philippines 8534 PHL 608 FALSE Southeast Asia
Poland 8230 POL 616 FALSE Eastern Europe
Portugal 8231 PRT 620 FALSE Western Europe
Puerto Rico 8433 PRI 630 FALSE North America
Qatar 8519 QAT 634 FALSE Southern Asia
Republic of Korea 8539 KOR 410 FALSE Eastern Asia
Republic of Moldova 8263 MDA 498 FALSE Southeast Europe
Romania 8232 ROU 642 FALSE Southeast Europe
Russian Federation 8264 RUS 643 FALSE Northeast Europe
Rwanda 8341 RWA 646 FALSE Eastern Africa
Saint Kitts and Nevis 8445 KNA 659 FALSE Central America
Saint Lucia 8443 LCA 662 FALSE Central America
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8444 VCT 670 FALSE Central America
Samoa 8612 WSM 882 FALSE Oceania
San Marino 8233 SMR 674 FALSE Southern Europe
Sao Tome and Principe 8344 STP 678 FALSE Southwest Africa
Saudi Arabia 8535 SAU 682 FALSE Middle East
Senegal 8345 SEN 686 FALSE Western Africa
Serbia 8248 SRB 688 FALSE Southeast Europe
Seychelles 8346 SYC 690 FALSE Eastern Africa
Sierra Leone 8347 SLE 694 FALSE Western Africa
Singapore 8537 SGP 702 FALSE Southeast Asia
Slovakia 8243 SVK 703 FALSE Central Europe
Slovenia 8251 SVN 705 FALSE Central Europe
Solomon Islands 8614 SLB 90 FALSE Oceania
Somalia 8348 SOM 706 FALSE Eastern Africa
South Africa 8349 ZAF 710 FALSE Southern Africa
South Sudan 8363 SSD 728 FALSE Central Africa
Spain 8236 ESP 724 FALSE Southern Europe
Sri Lanka 8506 LKA 144 FALSE Southern Asia
State of Palestine 8550 PSE 275 FALSE Middle East
Sudan 8350 SDN 729 FALSE Northeast Africa
Suriname 8435 SUR 740 FALSE South America
Sweden 8234 SWE 752 FALSE Northern Europe
Switzerland 8100 CHE 756 FALSE Central Europe
Syrian Arab Republic 8541 SYR 760 FALSE Middle East
Tajikistan 8565 TJK 762 FALSE Central Asia
Thailand 8542 THA 764 FALSE Southeast Asia
Timor-Leste 8547 TLS 626 FALSE Southeast Asia
Togo 8354 TGO 768 FALSE Western Africa
Tokelau 8684 TKL 772 FALSE Oceania
Tonga 8610 TON 776 FALSE Oceania
Trinidad and Tobago 8436 TTO 780 FALSE Central America
Tunisia 8357 TUN 788 FALSE Northern Africa
Turkey 8239 TUR 792 FALSE Middle East
Turkmenistan 8566 TKM 795 FALSE Central Asia
Tuvalu 8615 TUV 798 FALSE Oceania
Uganda 8358 UGA 800 FALSE Eastern Africa
Ukraine 8265 UKR 804 FALSE Eastern Europe
United Arab Emirates 8532 ARE 784 FALSE Southwest Asia
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8215 GBR 826 FALSE Northern Europe
United Republic of Tanzania 8353 TZA 834 FALSE Eastern Africa
United States of America 8439 USA 840 FALSE North America
Uruguay 8437 URY 858 FALSE South America
Uzbekistan 8567 UZB 860 FALSE Central Asia
Vanuatu 8605 VUT 548 FALSE Oceania
Vatican City 8241 VAT 336 FALSE Southern Europe
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 8438 VEN 862 FALSE South America
Viet Nam 8545 VNM 704 FALSE Southeast Asia
Yemen 8516 YEM 887 FALSE Middle East
Zambia 8343 ZMB 894 FALSE Southern Africa
Zimbabwe 8340 ZWE 716 FALSE Southern Africa

Supplemental source:

syntakker commented 3 years ago

@Candice-Louw which of the numbers in this spreadsheet are the correct external IDs for default continents and subcontinents?

From your screenshots here I would assume it's the fourth column (410000XX), is this correct?

HolgerReiseVSys commented 3 years ago

@Candice-Louw which of the numbers in this spreadsheet are the correct external IDs for default continents and subcontinents?

From your screenshots here I would assume it's the fourth column (410000XX), is this correct?

To me it looks like column K would be correct, which seems to match the SurvNet IdIndex (e.g. 31000005 for Afrika).

syntakker commented 3 years ago

@HolgerReiseVSys are you sufficiently sure to confirm? :-)

syntakker commented 3 years ago

@stefanspiska confirmed that external ID for continents and subcontinents should be column K in