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SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
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Immunizations - Generate csv-file to import in DIM #6201

Open marko-arn opened 3 years ago

marko-arn commented 3 years ago

Situation Description

As far as it is known yet, the Health Offices will be involved in the vaccinations against Corona from October 2021 onwards. This also includes the transmission of the necessary data to the RKI according to §7 para. 1 Corona Vaccination Ordinance):

Patient pseudonym, Month and year of birth, sex, Five-digit postcode and county of the person to be vaccinated, identification number and district of the vaccination centre Date of the vaccination, Start or completion of the vaccination series (initial or follow-up vaccination), Vaccine-specific documentation number (vaccine product or trade name), Batch number, Basis of prioritisation according to §§ 2 to 4.

The DIM (digital immunisation monitoring) provided by Bundesdruckerei is used for data transmission. This offers the possibility to enter the data anonymously, to connect via REST-API or to upload it as a csv file via import.

Since the connection via REST-API is not quite simple (certificate handling, etc.), Sormas should offer the possibility to export the data via csv in a suitable data format.

An example export is here(note: the fileformat csv ist not allowed for upload and was therefore changed to txt):


Here is a hand-out with the data description:


As an health office must have an own identification number for every vaccination center and team there is during the export of the data an entry field needed for entering these data.

There must also a filter for the vaccination date and the export must only include the immunisations for the selected period. E.g. if the person gets the second doze, the first dose must not exported.

@MateStrysewske @Jan-Boehme

marko-arn commented 3 years ago

@kwa20 @Candice-Louw FYI

kwa20 commented 3 years ago

@Marko-ilmkreis Would you be able to elaborate a little on the additional variables?

Here a first preliminary mapping: DIM_Mapping_210802.xlsx (based on the Handout)

@markusmann-vg @JaquM FYI

marko-arn commented 3 years ago

@kwa20 Unfortunately we are still not having access to DIM.

As far as I see from the §§ vacc_center must be the "Kennnummer und Landkreis des Impfzentrums oder des in § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 4 genannten Leistungserbringers,". In the excample it is an alpha-numeric value, which is defined by the Bundesdruckerei (?). One health office can have more than one vacc center (e.g. we will have two). Best option would be to have a separate facility type for that only showing in the immunizations module.

For the STIKO priorizations I also don't see a definition in the law, but I also guess that they might changing them according to their immunization strategy.