SORMAS-Foundation / SORMAS-Project

SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
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Dashboard changes for Ghana SORMAS version #835

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

We need to discuss this. our-proposed-dashboard-for-non-technical-stakeholders Ghana_District_Codes (1).xlsx @MartinWahnschaffeSymeda @MateStrysewskeSym @SeriousMartin

ghost commented 6 years ago

@MartinWahnschaffeSymeda @MateStrysewskeSym @bernardsilenou We had a discussion at HZI about the dashboard for SORMAS and below is a workable mockup to give you an idea of what Gerard understands from the ghana dashboard for NON-TECHNICAL STAKEHOLDERS. We are still discussing this but I felt you should all know the progress and see what you can integrate based on this idea.

Please note, the current dashboard remains but should only be for a filtered disease. The dashboard below is only for an unfiltered view when no disease is selected. Which means an overview of the current situation at any point in time. Let me know if you have any questions and so I can relay it back to the team. image

ghost commented 5 years ago

@MartinWahnschaffeSymeda @MateStrysewskeSym . So i made some changes to the dashbaord attached. We can discuss details tommorow. image

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

@hzi-braunschweig Thanks for the mockups. One very important thing to consider: The dashboard needs to be responsive. This basically means that the used elements should have similar widths so they can be displayed vertically on small screens.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@MartinWahnschaffeSymeda Yes, we should adapt it to its responsiveness. The mockup is just to give us an idea. I will explain more tommorow.

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

Note from last sprint review:

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

@hzi-braunschweig What about these two points from #597:

Should this also be added to the dashboard? Maybe for the disease-specific view. If so, please include this in your moqups.

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago


MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

@hzi-braunschweig I wonder wether we really need the "new cases" component in the bottom left. It basically displays the same information we already have in the disease burden table and the epi curve. Instead we could use the area to make the epi curve bigger and then display the information New cases, new events, etc. we currently have on the dashboard below the epi curve and case map. Let's discuss this tomorrow.

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

Mockup needs to be updated again:

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago


@hzi-braunschweig Please have a look at this. It contains all changes as discussed yesterday. Two things I'm not sure about:

  1. I think we should not show the event type (rumour, outbreak) in the dashboard. I'm not even sure how the event type "outbreak" is supposed to be used. How can an an event (taking place at a certain point in time) be an outbreak (something that is active for a certain period in time)? Maybe this needs a different name to clarify what it really is?
  2. I suggest we display the number of districts that had an outbreak within the filtered time period. This is date that is already available.

Note on the disease burden table: By default it will display the 6-7 diseases with the highest case count ordered by case count. If the user sorts the table by another column the 6-7 disease based on that will be displayed. When "show all diseases" is clicked, all are shown in the table.

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

Final Mockup: grafik

Disease Burden Information

Disease Difference Bars

Disease Carousel

Disease Numbers

Create a componenent for this. Could be called DashboardSurveillanceStatisticsSubComponent and extend DashboardStatisticsSubComponent. Have a look into DashboardSurveillanceStatisticsComponent to see how elements can be added to the component.

Slide Show

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

@hzi-braunschweig Important question regarding the disease burden: Is the case count calculated based on all cases that were reported/onset within the time period OR is the case count calculated based on all cases that were active within the time period - where "active" is defined as the period from report/onset until outcome.

In other words: Would a case that hase been reported in December 2018 and has recovered in February 2019 be counted for 2019?

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

@faatihi Notes from Review:


faatihi commented 5 years ago

Hi everybody. GCNet had a meeting with GHS and a few suggestions were made:

  1. Disease Burden Information grid should show Number of Deaths (in addition to the CFR column)
  2. The initial dashboard for non-technical stakeholders is still needed along with the final view we have designed. see the initial dashboard at

@MartinWahnschaffeSymeda I'll go ahead and implement suggestion 1. For item 2, we might need to create a new issue. Your thoughts.

MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago

@faatihi Here are updated mockups that address the missing information (as far as I understand).

I have attached screenshots that show the tiles version of the disease burden and the grid version. My idea is that we could show the tiles version to national users and observers and the grid version to supervisors by default. In addition both user groups are allowed to switch to the other view.

It may also make sense to colorize the differences bar chart with the same colors as used in the tiles.

The last mockup shows what it would look like on a small screen, where you can either scroll down or hide the overview when only the details of a specific disease are relevant. I’m not sure, but it’s probably better to have the epi curve and the case status map in the same row (instead of below each other, as in the mockup).




MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago




disease specific


MartinWahnschaffe commented 5 years ago
bernardsilenou commented 4 years ago

Let us discuss what should be added to the current dashboard with GHS in the next sprint if possible.