SOSChildrensVillages / HackXmas2019

Resources for the HackXmas-Hackathon in Copenhagen
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Just ideas from team 3 #12

Open qwad1000 opened 4 years ago

qwad1000 commented 4 years ago

Core assessment:

Since social workers can't bring any digital devices to the field, they could gather the information in answersheets (like this one, or just customized version to fit assessment needs) - answers could be read by scanning it with an app and stored in database. The goal here is to reduce manual typing question-answers to the system.

Another idea: based on entered information and defined goals, system to provide templates / suggestions on what could be done to achieve the goal (again, to reduce manual work).

This could also apply to schools - teachers to fill in kid's performance, health, attendance etc to help social-workers and minimize going out to schools.

Location and institution suggestions

Based on the basic information (core assessment) system to suggest institution locations, phone numbers for family to achieve their goals.

Other random ideas

Accessibility - concern here with using color (green/red) to show the status. For people with sight disabilities this is a huge issue. Please read more here:

Family-Roadmap Component

( this component looks like a good place for KanBan board.

strabu commented 4 years ago

Core assessment) Some of form-fields are connected with conditional logic. Eg. for a 2-year old you don't have to pick an educational status. If a child has educational status "Enrolled" you have to answer additional questions: Educational enrollement according to age, Educational attendance, Educational performance,...

Accessibility) yes, red/green with the same icon is far from perfect.

Family-Roadmap Component) Yes, could be a KanBan board because of the given states. We came up with the computerized Roadmap because kids liked it in the past and it would be nice to have something similar so they could follow what the social worker is doing on his device.

lkmill commented 4 years ago

we discussed similar ideas, one could probably get some inspiration from notebooks and app when digitizing the notes taken in the field