SOTAmat / SOTAcat

CAT control for Elecraft KX radios and SOTAMAT
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Web UI to read radio state #12

Open jeffkowalski opened 4 months ago

jeffkowalski commented 4 months ago

Brian says: I would like a web UI that allows me to at least “read” the state the radio is in (Frequency, Mode, power level, etc.). And then the question is what would be a good UI for “write” and control of the radio from a cell phone beyond click-to-pounce? For example: record / play CQ audio memories # 1 and # 2? View transmit power level? Toggle transmit power from maximum to 0.0 watts and back (for testing) so we don’t have to spin the dial forever? Quick enable/disable of noise reduction? A “smart Tune” that steps up or down by 3KHz and tunes, and then returns to the operating frequency so as to not “step” on conversations? Etc. Be creative.

jeffkowalski commented 1 week ago

077d9dc4d9bee66b531b356bcb6103c612a804dd now implements some basic CAT control:

Not yet present: remote VFO and ATU