SOTAmat / SOTAcat

CAT control for Elecraft KX radios and SOTAMAT
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Implement a CW memory keyer (and memory voice keyer) #44

Closed brianmathews closed 3 months ago

brianmathews commented 3 months ago

Add a screen tab to the SOTACAT web UI that implements a CW and voice "memory keyer" such that users can pre-define a set of CW and/or voice messages, and then use their cell phone to play one of those messages over the air.

Note that the KX2/KX3 already have a memory-keyer, but there are a limited number of memories. The cell phone UI can implement a much larger list of memories, and allow the user to use the more convenient screen buttons rather than physical radio buttons that are prone to bumping the VFO knob.

Note that the SOTACAT can send CW commands directly, but can not process audio (either in or out). So for Voice-memory-keying all it will be able to do is play back one of the pre-recorded voice memories via the cell phone UI and it will be limited by the radio's number of memories (ex. 2 for the KX2).