SPECFEM / specfem2d

SPECFEM2D simulates forward and adjoint seismic wave propagation in two-dimensional acoustic, (an)elastic, poroelastic or coupled acoustic-(an)elastic-poroelastic media, with Convolution PML absorbing conditions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SU header issue #1037

Open mo7sen87 opened 5 years ago

mo7sen87 commented 5 years ago

I am modeling a very high frequency full wavefield sonic experiment. To fulfill the stability measures, I am using dt = 0.0000001 a grid of 1 cm in X and Z direction. I have a fluid layer (water) sandwiched between two elastic layers. Whenever I record nt >50000 I have an issue with the SU headers. Whenever I try to plot the SU data I get the following error (fetter.c:on trace#2 number of samples in header differs from number for first trace). any limitation n the number of steps by any chance?

ICNSK commented 3 months ago

I find SU_FORMAT = .true. option producing unusable files, save_binary_seismograms_single = .true. work better than ascii for dense set of stations, it produce binary file with number of samples equal to NSTEP. If could be converted to su using

suaddhead n1=$NSTEP < Uz_file_single_d.bin | sushw key=dt,delrt a=$DT,$start_time > Uz_file_single_d.su

where $NSTEP and $DT are from Par_file, and $start_time is (unfortunately) from log file section "time loop" $DT and $start_time need to be in microseconds = 1e-6 sec type unsigned_short and number of samples is limited to unsigned_short_max = 65535 according to source code but su does not allows float headers, so with your timestep 0.0000001 = 1e-7 = 1e-1 microsec you will not be able to create valid su file, however you could still visualize simulations using ximage

ximage n1=$NSTEP d1=$DT f1=$start_time < Uz_file_single_d.bin perc=99

danielpeter commented 3 months ago

yes, the SU format is probably not the right format in this case.

note that the implemented SU header uses short integer, thus the number of timesteps and/or number of receivers is limited to 32767.

kawaalina commented 1 month ago

root@DESKTOP-6TE0R0N:~# ximage Command 'ximage' not found

why i have this??

ICNSK commented 1 month ago

ximage is a part of the Seismic Unix package (https://github.com/JohnWStockwellJr/SeisUnix). You need to download, compile and install it following instructions from https://github.com/JohnWStockwellJr/SeisUnix/blob/master/src/README_TO_INSTALL You might need to edit Makefile.config, depending on your system and install some required packages. Checkout https://hadi-tim.github.io/blog/2022/seismic-unix/

kawaalina commented 1 month ago

it's work, thanx :> but if i want to add new equation to par_file how can i do that? whare is the function base folders?