SPECFEM / specfem3d

SPECFEM3D_Cartesian simulates acoustic (fluid), elastic (solid), coupled acoustic/elastic, poroelastic or seismic wave propagation in any type of conforming mesh of hexahedra (structured or not).
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coarse-grained implementation of attenuation #346

Closed specfem3d-zhang-ksu closed 6 years ago

specfem3d-zhang-ksu commented 9 years ago

Current implementation of the attenuation in specfem3d consumes a lot memory. In order to reduce the memory usage, I have been trying to use the element approximation, i.e., only defining and calculating the attenuation memory variables on the center GLL point of the element, rather than all points of the GLL points. But the result is not very satisfying compared to that calculated on all GLL points. Has anyone tried similar calculation.

Also the Q factor coefficient arrays are huge. This is not necessary because even though Q can be spatial dependent, but the decay rates can be Q and spatial independent.

komatits commented 9 years ago

Good idea. There is an old paper by Steve Day about this in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America:

@Article{Day98, Title = {Efficient simulation of constant {{\it Q}} using coarse-grained memory variables}, Author = {S. M. Day}, Journal = Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Year = {1998}, Pages = {1051-1062}, Volume = {88}}

specfem3d-zhang-ksu commented 9 years ago

I had the experience on my FDTD. I will touch this after the CPML to cuda.

komatits commented 9 years ago

We have received the CUDA implementation of that from @specfem3d-zhang-ksu. Let me post his routine and explanations below. I also put it in utils/coarse_grained_attenuation/coarse_grained.cu

komatits commented 9 years ago

// here is file coarse_grained.cu from @specfem3d-zhang-ksu

// updates R_memory in coarse-grained method device forceinline void compute_element_att_memory_cg(const int tx,const int working_element, const int i,const int j,const int k,const int FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID, const realw mul,const realw kappal, realw_const_p factor_common,realw_const_p factor_common_kappa, realw_const_p alphaval,realw_const_p betaval,realw_const_p gammaval, realw_p R_trace,realw_p R_xx,realw_p R_yy, realw_p R_xy,realw_p R_xz,realw_p R_yz, const realw epsilondev_trace,const realw epsilondev_xx,const realw epsilondev_yy, const realw epsilondev_xy,const realw epsilondev_xz,const realw epsilondev_yz, const realw epsilondev_trace_loc, const realw epsilondev_xx_loc,const realw epsilondev_yy_loc,const realw epsilondev_xy_loc, const realw epsilondev_xz_loc,const realw epsilondev_yz_loc) {

int isls=(1-j%2)(i%2+2(k%2))+(j%2)((i+1)%2+2_((k+1)%2)); // use Runge-Kutta scheme to march in time

// indices int offset = tx + NGLL3*working_element; // (i_sls(i,j,k),i,j,k,ispec)

realw alphaval_loc = alphaval[i_sls]; // (i_sls) realw betaval_loc = betaval[i_sls]; realw gammaval_loc = gammaval[i_sls];


realw factor_loc = kappal * get_global_cr( &factor_common_kappa[offset] ); //kappastore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(i_sls(i,j,k),i,j,k,ispec)
realw Sn_trace   = factor_loc * epsilondev_trace;
realw Snp1_trace   = factor_loc * epsilondev_trace_loc; 
realw rl= get_global_cr( &R_trace[offset] );
R_trace[offset]=alphaval_loc * rl+betaval_loc * Sn_trace + gammaval_loc * Snp1_trace;


realw factor_loc = mul * get_global_cr( &factor_common[offset] ); //mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(i_sls(i,j,k),i,j,k,ispec) // term in xx realw Sn_xx = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx; realw Snp1_xx = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx_loc; //(i,j,k) realw rxxl = get_global_cr( &R_xx[offset] ); R_xx[offset]=alphaval_loc * rxxl + betaval_loc * Sn_xx + gammaval_loc * Snp1_xx;

// term in yy realw Sn_yy = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy; realw Snp1_yy = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy_loc; realw ryyl = get_global_cr( &R_yy[offset] ); R_yy[offset] = alphaval_loc * ryyl + betaval_loc * Sn_yy + gammaval_loc * Snp1_yy;

// term in zz not computed since zero trace // term in xy realw Sn_xy = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy; realw Snp1_xy = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy_loc; realw rxyl = get_global_cr( &R_xy[offset] ); R_xy[offset] = alphaval_loc * rxyl + betaval_loc * Sn_xy + gammaval_loc * Snp1_xy;

// term in xz realw Sn_xz = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz; realw Snp1_xz = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz_loc;
realw rxzl = get_global_cr( &R_xz[offset] ); R_xz[offset] = alphaval_loc * rxzl + betaval_loc * Sn_xz + gammaval_loc * Snp1_xz;

// term in yz realw Sn_yz = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz; realw Snp1_yz = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz_loc; realw ryzl = get_global_cr( &R_yz[offset] ); R_yz[offset] = alphaval_loc * ryzl + betaval_loc * Sn_yz + gammaval_loc * Snp1_yz;



device forceinline void compute_element_att_stress_cg(const int tx,const int i,const int j,const int k, const int FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID, const realw* R_trace,const realw* R_xx,const realw* R_yy, const realw* R_xy,const realw* R_xz,const realw* R_yz, realw* sigma_xx,realw* sigma_yy,realw* sigma_zz, realw* sigma_xy,realw* sigma_xz,realw* sigma_yz) {

realw R_trace_val=0.0f;

// (Day 1998, Day and Bradley 2001): good realw R_xx_val = N_SLS_R_xx[tx]; realw R_yy_val = N_SLS_R_yy[tx]; realw R_xy_val = N_SLS_R_xy[tx]; realw R_xz_val = N_SLS_R_xz[tx]; realw R_yz_val = N_SLS*R_yz[tx];

if(FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID) R_trace_val = N_SLS*R_trace[tx];

/* // Kristek and Moczo (2003): not good

int ip=(i+1)%2; int im=(i-1>=0)? ((i-1)%2):ip; int jp=(j+1)%2; int jm=(j-1>=0)? ((j-1)%2):jp; int kp=(k+1)%2; int km=(k-1>=0)? ((k-1)%2):kp;

realw R_xx_val = Rxx[tx]+0.5f(R_xx[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+ip]+ R_xx[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+im]+ R_xx[k_NGLL2+jp_NGLLX+i]+ R_xx[k_NGLL2+jm_NGLLX+i]+ R_xx[kp_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+i]+ R_xx[km_NGLL2+j*NGLLX+i]);

realw R_yy_val = Ryy[tx]+0.5f(R_yy[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+ip]+ R_yy[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+im]+ R_yy[k_NGLL2+jp_NGLLX+i]+ R_yy[k_NGLL2+jm_NGLLX+i]+ R_yy[kp_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+i]+ R_yy[km_NGLL2+j*NGLLX+i]);

realw R_xy_val = Rxy[tx]+0.5f(R_xy[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+ip]+ R_xy[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+im]+ R_xy[k_NGLL2+jp_NGLLX+i]+ R_xy[k_NGLL2+jm_NGLLX+i]+ R_xy[kp_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+i]+ R_xy[km_NGLL2+j*NGLLX+i]);

realw R_xz_val = Rxz[tx]+0.5f(R_xz[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+ip]+ R_xz[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+im]+ R_xz[k_NGLL2+jp_NGLLX+i]+ R_xz[k_NGLL2+jm_NGLLX+i]+ R_xz[kp_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+i]+ R_xz[km_NGLL2+j*NGLLX+i]);

realw R_yz_val = Ryz[tx]+0.5f(R_yz[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+ip]+ R_yz[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+im]+ R_yz[k_NGLL2+jp_NGLLX+i]+ R_yz[k_NGLL2+jm_NGLLX+i]+ R_yz[kp_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+i]+ R_yz[km_NGLL2+j*NGLLX+i]);

if(FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID) R_trace_val = Rtrace[tx]+0.5f(R_trace[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+ip]+ R_trace[k_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+im]+ R_trace[k_NGLL2+jp_NGLLX+i]+ R_trace[k_NGLL2+jm_NGLLX+i]+ R_trace[kp_NGLL2+j_NGLLX+i]+ R_trace[km_NGLL2+j*NGLLX+i]);


sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val-R_trace_val; sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val-R_trace_val; sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val-R_trace_val; sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy_val; sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz_val; sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz_val;

return; }

komatits commented 9 years ago

Explanations from @specfem3d-zhang-ksu:

Subject: RE: coarse-grained memory variables Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 22:50:35 +0000 From: Zhang, Chang-Hua To: Dimitri Komatitsch, J Tromp CC: Daniel Peter, Matthieu Lefebvre, Ebru.BOZDAG

Hi All,

Please find my coarse-grained method for specfem3d CUDA.

Best Regards, Chang-hua

On 05/28/2015 03:39 PM, Zhang, Chang-Hua wrote:

Hi Dimitri,

I will pull out the implementation part of the coarse-grained memory variables and send it to you sometime this week.


komatits commented 9 years ago

That is for SPECFEM3D, but it should be easy to adapt to SPECFEM3D_GLOBE.

That is in CUDA, we would also need to write a CPU Fortran version at some point.

There is also the paper by van Driel and Nissen-Meyer, Geophysical Journal International, 2014.

komatits commented 6 years ago

Probably not that crucial these days (runs are becoming cheaper).