SPECFEM / specfem3d

SPECFEM3D_Cartesian simulates acoustic (fluid), elastic (solid), coupled acoustic/elastic, poroelastic or seismic wave propagation in any type of conforming mesh of hexahedra (structured or not).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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strange output of Plot_source_time function.txt, line with 1.0000000 #773

Closed JimmyZJU closed 8 years ago

JimmyZJU commented 8 years ago

The Plot_source_time function.txt is strange that it has so many line with 1.0000000. The CMTSOLUTION, output_solver.txt and Plot_source_time function.txt are as attaching. I choose the point source with the half duration which is equal to 0.0. But the time function showed in Plot_source_time function is not a delta function which I want.

A part of Plot_source_time function.txt: ·······

5.4000001E-03 1.000000
5.8499998E-03 1.000000
6.3000000E-03 1.000000
6.7500002E-03 1.000000
7.1999999E-03 1.000000
7.6500000E-03 1.000000
8.1000002E-03 1.000000
8.5500004E-03 1.000000
8.9999996E-03 1.000000
9.4499998E-03 1.000000
9.8999999E-03 1.000000
1.0350000E-02 1.000000
1.0800000E-02 1.000000
1.1250000E-02 1.000000
1.1700000E-02 1.000000
1.2150000E-02 1.000000
1.2600000E-02 1.000000
1.3050000E-02 1.000000
1.3500000E-02 1.000000
1.3950000E-02 1.000000
1.4400000E-02 1.000000
1.4850000E-02 1.000000
1.5300000E-02 1.000000
1.5750000E-02 1.000000
1.6200000E-02 1.000000
1.6650001E-02 1.000000
1.7100001E-02 1.000000
1.7550001E-02 1.000000 ETC··· [Uploading CMTSOLUTION.docx…]() [Uploading output_solver.txt.docx…]() [Uploading Plot_source_time function.txt.docx…]()

JimmyZJU commented 8 years ago

A part of output_solver.txt:

\ Specfem 3-D Solver - MPI version f90 **

Fixing slow underflow trapping problem using small initial field

There are 4 MPI processes Processes are numbered from 0 to 3

There is a total of 4 slices

NDIM = 3


using single precision for the calculations

smallest and largest possible floating-point numbers are: 1.1754944E-38 3.4028235E+38

velocity model: default

total acoustic elements : 0 total elastic elements : 94960 total poroelastic elements : 0

minimum and maximum number of elements and points in the CUBIT + SCOTCH mesh:

NSPEC_AB_global_min = 22566 NSPEC_AB_global_max = 24744 NSPEC_AB_global_sum = 94960

NGLOB_AB_global_min = 1490057 NGLOB_AB_global_max = 1629745 NGLOB_AB_global_sum = 6256908

Model: P velocity min,max = 1732.000 1732.000
Model: S velocity min,max = 1500.000 1500.000

* Verification of simulation parameters *

* Max GLL point distance = 78.10249
* Min GLL point distance = 2.853077
* Max/min ratio = 27.37483
* Max element size = 212.8550
* Min element size = 16.52276
* Max/min ratio = 12.88254

* Minimum period resolved = 0.1773792
* Maximum suggested time step = 4.9418188E-04

* for DT : 4.500000000000000E-004 * Max stability for wave velocities = 0.2731788

There is a total of 4 slices

no UTM projection:

locating source 1

source located in slice 2 in element 1214 in elastic domain

xi coordinate of source in that element: -0.731009293273509
eta coordinate of source in that element: 0.594496112732029
gamma coordinate of source in that element: -1.00000000000000

Source time function is a Heaviside, convolve later

half duration: 2.250000000000000E-003 seconds time shift: 0.000000000000000E+000 seconds

original (requested) position of the source:

       latitude:    300.000000000000     
      longitude:   0.000000000000000E+000

          x:   0.000000000000000E+000
          y:    300.000000000000     
      depth:   0.700000000000000       km

topo elevation: 999.999877929688

position of the source that will be used:

          x:   0.000000000000000E+000
          y:    300.000000000000     
      depth:   0.700000000000000       km
          z:    299.999877929687     

error in location of the source: 1.1368684E-13 m

printing the source-time function

maximum error in location of the sources: 1.1368684E-13 m

Elapsed time for detection of sources in seconds = 1.259613037109375E-002

End of source detection - done

there are 62 stations in file ../in_data_files/STATIONS saving 62 stations inside the model in file ../in_data_files/STATIONS_FILTERED excluding 0 stations located outside the model

Total number of receivers = 62

locating receivers

reading receiver information from ../in_data_files/STATIONS_FILTERED file ··· maximum error in location of all the receivers: 1.108646 m

Elapsed time for receiver detection in seconds = 0.747892141342163

End of receiver detection - done

Total number of samples for seismograms = 4000

found a total of 62 receivers in all the slices

no attenuation

no anisotropy

no oceans

no acoustic simulation

incorporating elastic simulation

no poroelastic simulation

no movie simulation

end assembling MPI mass matrix

        time step:   4.4999999E-04  s

number of time steps: 4000 total simulated time: 1.800000 seconds start time: -4.4999998E-03 seconds

All processes are synchronized before time loop

Starting time iteration loop...

Time step # 5 Time: -2.7000001E-03 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 1.25544309616089
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 00 m 01 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.251088619232178
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3.8468368E-02 Time steps done = 5 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 3995 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 1003.09903383255
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 16 m 43 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1004.35447692871
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 16 m 44 s We have done 0.1250000 % of that

** BEWARE: the above time estimates are not reliable ** because fewer than 100 iterations have been performed

Time step # 500 Time: 0.2200500 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 153.908327102661
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 02 m 33 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.307816654205322
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3373.940
Time steps done = 500 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 3500 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 1077.35828971863
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 17 m 57 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1231.26661682129
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 31 s We have done 12.50000 % of that

Time step # 1000 Time: 0.4450500 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 309.133502006531
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 05 m 09 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.309133502006531
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3585.747
Time steps done = 1000 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 3000 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 927.400506019592
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 15 m 27 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1236.53400802612
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 36 s We have done 25.00000 % of that

Time step # 1500 Time: 0.6700500 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 465.540048122406
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 07 m 45 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.310360032081604
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3563.500
Time steps done = 1500 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 2500 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 775.900080204010
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 12 m 55 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1241.44012832642
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 41 s We have done 37.50000 % of that

Time step # 2000 Time: 0.8950500 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 622.066916942596
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 10 m 22 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.311033458471298
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3703.873
Time steps done = 2000 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 2000 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 622.066916942596
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 10 m 22 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1244.13383388519
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 44 s We have done 50.00000 % of that

Time step # 2500 Time: 1.120050 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 777.148286104202
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 12 m 57 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.310859314441681
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3744.824
Time steps done = 2500 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 1500 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 466.288971662521
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 07 m 46 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1243.43725776672
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 43 s We have done 62.50000 % of that

Time step # 3000 Time: 1.345050 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 931.747659921646
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 15 m 31 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.310582553307215
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3698.389
Time steps done = 3000 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 1000 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 310.582553307215
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 05 m 10 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1242.33021322886
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 42 s We have done 75.00000 % of that

Time step # 3500 Time: 1.570050 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 1086.52817296982
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 18 m 06 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.310436620848519
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3589.700
Time steps done = 3500 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 500 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 155.218310424260
Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 02 m 35 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1241.74648339408
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 41 s We have done 87.50000 % of that

Time step # 4000 Time: 1.795050 seconds Elapsed time in seconds = 1241.06283998489
Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 41 s Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = 0.310265709996223
Max norm displacement vector U in all slices (m) = 3500.365
Time steps done = 4000 out of 4000 Time steps remaining = 0 Estimated remaining time in seconds = 0.000000000000000E+000 Estimated remaining time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 00 m 00 s Estimated total run time in seconds = 1241.06283998489
Estimated total run time in hh:mm:ss = 0 h 20 m 41 s We have done 100.0000 % of that

End of the simulation

JimmyZJU commented 8 years ago

CMTSOLUTION: PDE 2016 06 07 00 00 00.00 300 0 300 4.2 4.2 hillrock_earthquake event name: hillrock_earthquake time shift: 0.0000 half duration: 0.0 latitude: 300.0 longitude: 0.0 depth: 0.7 Mrr: 1.000000e+23 Mtt: 1.000000e+23 Mpp: 1.000000e+23 Mrt: 0.000000 Mrp: 0.000000 Mtp: 0.000000