SPF-OST / optihood

The package provides a complete python-based framework to OPTImize the investment in alternative energy technologies (heat pump, solar thermal, PV, etc.) as well as the operation of available energy resources (natural gas, sun, grid electricity, etc.) at a neighbourHOOD-scale
MIT License
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Error when the demand = 0 #36

Open vjacquot opened 2 years ago

vjacquot commented 2 years ago

Hi, For our case study, we need to model a mall building which has no SH and DHW demands. When I try to optimize it (the demand file is correct), there are several issues:

xavijoba commented 2 years ago

Change the building.py to be able to create buildings without heat demand. Converters wih heat outputs should parameterized accordingly. Check vizualition also in energy_network.py