SPF-OST / optihood

The package provides a complete python-based framework to OPTImize the investment in alternative energy technologies (heat pump, solar thermal, PV, etc.) as well as the operation of available energy resources (natural gas, sun, grid electricity, etc.) at a neighbourHOOD-scale
MIT License
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Basic example now adds storage content, where none was before. #77

Open ahobeost opened 4 days ago

ahobeost commented 4 days ago

When comparing the results from before the many merges, with those after, the shSourceBus_building* tabs now include storage content.

Is this a desired change?

https://github.com/SPF-OST/optihood/tree/75-get-optihood-under-ci/tests/test_examples/expected_files Compare test_run_basic_example.xls with 'test_results_basic_example_after_merge.xls'

This can also be done using: test_compare_results_before_and_after_merge https://github.com/SPF-OST/optihood/blob/75-get-optihood-under-ci/tests/test_examples/test_xls_examples.py

ahobeost commented 3 days ago

The manual test simplifies the xls comparison using plots: Given unequal dataframes. A plot is shown with the two dataframes. image

And, if the shape is equal, their differences. image