SPOTLAB-Live / Spicetify-waveform

Waveform seekbar generated from Spotify audio analysis API.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Normalise waveform volume #3

Open jambosmitty opened 2 months ago

jambosmitty commented 2 months ago

Spotify has its own volume normalisation so that different songs don't have wildly different playback volumes. The visualisation API clearly gets the waveform from before this process, which means that some tracks which have been mixed with quieter dynamics have an extremely thin, and sometimes invisible in parts, playback bar. It would be a great feature for consistent visuals if the waveform visual was normalised so that it always has the same vertical peak height/depth, or maybe an option to control how much this 'compression ratio' applies? Another option just to fix parts where the playback bar is actually invisible due to quiet dynamics/silence could be to always display a 1 pixel line on the horizontal axis. image

SPOTLAB-Live commented 1 month ago

Thanks for pointing this out. It will be fixed in the next release.