which requires those changes to make console.log work.
Sample usage (around line 41):
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Primitive (RealWorld)
import Data.ByteString (readFile)
import Data.Either.Combinators (mapLeft)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Primitive (readByteArray)
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray (MutableByteArray, newByteArray)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Language.Wasm (ValidModule, validate)
import Language.Wasm.Binary (decodeModule)
import Language.Wasm.Interpreter
import Language.Wasm.Structure
import Protolude hiding (readFile)
import Unsafe.Coerce
main :: IO ()
main = do
module'e <- ((mapLeft show . validate) <=< decodeModule) <$> readFile "sample.wasm"
case module'e of
Right module' -> runModule module'
Left err -> panic (toS err)
runModule :: ValidModule -> IO ()
runModule vm' = do
-- IORef used for holding memory for printing
printMemory <- newByteArray 0 >>= newIORef
let vmPrint :: [Value] -> IO [Value] = \case
[VI32 start, VI32 len] -> do
ba <- readIORef printMemory
readText ba (fromIntegral start) (fromIntegral len) >>= print
pure []
_ -> pure []
(store, ModuleInstance{exports}) <- makeHostModule emptyStore
[ ("log", HostFunction (FuncType [I32, I32] []) vmPrint)
, ("mem", HostMemory $ Limit 1 Nothing)
-- get memory from the store and put into `printMemory`
for_ (getMemory store 0) $ \(MemoryInstance _ memoryStore) ->
readIORef memoryStore >>= writeIORef printMemory
-- export functions from host module
let ExportInstance _ extVal = V.head $ V.filter (\(ExportInstance name _) -> name == "log") exports
ExportInstance _ extMem = V.head $ V.filter (\(ExportInstance name _) -> name == "mem") exports
imports = M.fromList [ (("console", "log"), extVal)
, (("js", "mem"), extMem)
(moduleInstance'e, store') <- instantiate store imports vm'
case moduleInstance'e of
Right moduleInstance -> print =<< invokeExport store' moduleInstance "writeHi" []
Left err -> panic (toS err)
readText :: MutableByteArray RealWorld -> Int -> Int -> IO Text
readText ba start len = toS <$> go start len
go _ 0 = pure []
go i l = do
ch <- readChar ba i
if ch /= '\0'
then (ch :) <$> go (i + 1) (l - 1)
else pure []
readChar :: MutableByteArray RealWorld -> Int -> IO Char
readChar ba idx = unsafeCoerce <$> readByteArray @Word8 ba idx
This PR adds a way to access memory in
. I've needed that when I was implementing the following code from MDN:which requires those changes to make
work.Sample usage (around line 41):