SQLDBAWithABeard / Functions

Contains useful functions that I use
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Failed to create catalog item: The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity. #7

Open lorenzouriel opened 1 year ago

lorenzouriel commented 1 year ago

Hey, SQLDBAWithABeard! Can you help me?

Write-RsRestCatalogItem : System.Exception: Failed to create catalog item: The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity. at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.GetResponse(WebRequest request) at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.ProcessRecord() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- At C:\Users\loren\Downloads\deploy_pbix_reports.ps1:162 char:13