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integrate latest update to the EBK thresholds and qa-qc process #156

Closed ergz closed 9 months ago

ergz commented 10 months ago

updated request:

Hi again,

Sorry for the whiplash, but we've decided that it would be best to plan for four EBKs regardless of plate number. That means in the case with three 96-well plates of samples/DNA, one of those plates would have two associated EBKs. That additional EBK can be randomly assigned to one of the three plates.

Does that make sense? Please let me know if you have any questions. The naming scheme (e.g., EBK-1-1) isn't affected by this change.

request from Sean :

Hi Emanuel and Liz,

How easy would it be to add some flexibility to the number of DNA extraction blanks (EBKs)? I'm envisioning a system where we could have three OR four EBKs, depending on the number of DNA plates that go into a SHERLOCK run. It gets tricky when there are only 3 DNA plates and we require 4 EBKs.

I'm thinking:

1 DNA Plate (up to 92 JPE samples): Include 4 EBKs on the 96-well DNA plate. No empty wells necessary. 2 DNA Plates (up to 188 JPE samples): Include 2 EBKs on each 96-well DNA plate. No empty wells necessary. 3 DNA Plates (up to 285 JPE samples): Include 1 EBK on each 96-well DNA plate. No empty wells necessary. This avoids having to randomly pick one plate that includes 2 EBKs. 4 DNA Plates (up to 368 JPE samples): Include 1 EBK on each 96-well DNA plate. 3 empty wells per plate necessary.

I know you're working on subsampling and generating plate maps, so this has implications for how this gets done.

Many thanks, Sean