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SixHourFix and SelectWorld #106

Closed riwu closed 12 years ago

riwu commented 12 years ago

DeclarePlayers is called in SixHourFix meaning that .Active record of Players will be reset (which should not be the case) Originally Brandon intended to use it as a check on whether players record are declared (hence the ability to log in after 6 hours) but on hindsight this is not needed as there is already a if not LoginPlayer check. I've added try..except for it to prevent an out of range error in LoginPlayer in case players record is not declared.

For the worldswitcher change, i'm not sure where this idea originate from but some users think that passing 0 or -1 to SelectWorld will result in it selecting a random world, ( which is simply not true.

In the old LoginPlayer where when the length of WorldInfo is 3 it will select a random world, (which as litoris pointed out, should not be the case) irregardless of the world number input, which is the only reason why declaring WorldInfo as [True, -1, False] results in it selecting a random world. World 140-200 only exists as instance world currently but expanding the range to 200 allows greater flexibility and eliminate the need to update as world available frustrates.