SReject / JSON-For-Mirc

JSON parser for mIRC
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Examples in Docs or README #39

Closed VitruxPT closed 7 years ago

VitruxPT commented 7 years ago


Could you please include an example of part of a script for a request that needs to send data like a POST and one that doesn't like a DELETE? The docs are a bit confusing without any examples. I think examples are the only thing that is missing from this amazing repo :+1:

Thanks in advance

SReject commented 7 years ago

I plan to write a complete tutorial(which will be found here) with explanations and examples.

In the mean time, here is a post request:

alias post {
  ;; Compile the post data
  ;; for this example we'll be using form-encoded data
  var %data = key=value&key2=value2&key3=value3

  ;; open the json handle, but have it wait(-w)
  ;; for /JSONHttpFetch to be called
  JSONOpen -duw example

  ;; set the request method to post
  JSONHttpMethod example POST

  ;; Include the post data, with the fetch command
  ;;   Since the Content-Type, and Content-Length
  ;;   headers were NOT specified, the script
  ;;   will use default values
  JSONHttpFetch example %data

  ;; from here you'd access the retrieved data as usual

And to delete:

alias del {
  ;; open the json handle, but have it wait(-w)
  ;; for /JSONHttpFetch to be called
  JSONOpen -duw example

  ;; Set the request method to delete
  JSONHttpMethod example DELETE

  ;; Make the request
  JSONHttpFetch example

  ;; from here you'd access the retrieved data as usual
VitruxPT commented 7 years ago

Well, before writing the tutorial which I can imagine will take some time, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong in this simple GET script? @SReject

alias now_playing {
  var %authkey = ************************************
  var %user = *********
  var %u = $+ %authkey $+ &user= $+ %user $+ &nowplaying=true&limit=1&format=json
  var %v = now_playing_ $+ $ticks $+ $ctime
  JSONOpen -ud %v %u
  echo -s IS: $json(%v,recenttracks,track,0,artist,#text)
  JSONClose %v

Json for reference:


The json path is correct but I don't seem to be able to get the correct value, instead I'm getting %v with an integer after: JSON:auth_match_91414622501488210291:9141462421

VitruxPT commented 7 years ago

I was missing the .value from the $json(%v,recenttracks,track,0,artist,#text)